April 25, 2013


Hey Folks! Today I am introducing to you ANNA. She…is the editing guru around here. Seriously, she has an eye for highlights, skin tones, shadows, and editing styles that amaze me. But get this. To her, it is not all about tonal curves and white balance….but about creating beauty. And THAT, is why she is so amazing and what she does. I am incredibly thankful and blessed to be able to confidently hand over my images into capable hands and know they will be treated with TLC. This lady brings with her a kind heart, an appreciation for all things done well, and a genuine love for others…and I am so thankful God enabled our paths to cross. Today, you get to meet lovely Anna…


Hey guys! My name is Anna Kogan and I’m the official photo editor here at Char Photography. People often look at me in pity when I tell them this, which I find rather amusing because I LOVE IT!!! Crazy as it sounds, photo editing is what makes me really happy. There is just something about taking a beautiful picture and transforming it into a work of art that leaves me feeling kind of giddy. When I first picked up a camera (a little less than a year ago), I would go out and take pictures just for the joy of running home, popping the memory card in the reader and seeing what I could do in post processing to make the pictures shine. Sadly, to be quite honest, nothing was really shining. I guess that’s when I learned my first lesson of photo editing: You have to have a great picture to perform a great edit! So you can imagine my joy when I was offered a position at Char Photography as the photo editor. As many beautiful pictures as I could ever want to edit right at my fingertips!! Yay! However, it didn’t take me long to realize that I had stumbled on much more of a treasure than simple a multitude of beautiful pictures. I had become a part of something infinitely more beautiful: a unique team of women united with a common love for God, a deep appreciation for beauty, a desire to serve others, an amazing fashion sense and a selfless concern for each others success and well-being. I consider myself truly blessed to be a part of the Char Photography Team!

Now, for a little bit about me. The following is a list of eight things in life that make me really happy (not necessarily in this order).

1. Sweets – I love pecan bars, caramel creams and Cold Stone Creamery
2. Frye boots – I find them more addictive than candy and that’s saying something!
3. My sweet hubbie Dema – he came all the way from Ukraine to marry me and has been my biggest fan in this new adventure of photography.
4. Michael Buble – I’ve logged more hours listening to that man sing than I want to admit. :)
5. Movie & Pizza night – at my house this could happen any night of the week and if I could talk my ridiculously practical husband into it, it would happen several times a week. Thankfully someone keeps us on track.
6. Creating and appreciating beauty – anything from decorating my house to obsessing over great photography to getting dressed in the morning. You name it, I love beauty!
7. Nieces – nothing brings me more joy than spending time with those little girls, telling them bedtime stories, kissing their little cheeks and hearing, “I love you Tia.” Children certainly are a blessing from the Lord.
8. Chicken Tikka Marsala – if you’ve never tried Indian food, now is your time. Go find the closest Indian restaurant and order this dish. You won’t be sorry. It changed my life. :)

Now that you know who I am, I want to hear from you! What are your happy things in life? Leave me a comment!

  1. michele says:

    Hey Anna, I have to agree with you that Cold Stone Creamery is the BEST! I would take a Mojo mudpie anyday! I love to hear people talk about their job when it is a passion! I can tell you LOVE what you do and I it seems you have an awesome group of women to work and grow with. Be blessed by this great opportunity!

  2. Leigh Ann says:

    You are a treasure, Anna! Our family appreciates you (and Dema) in so many ways! So excited for you and what lies ahead! :)

  3. Tammy DeYarman says:

    You have turned out to be such a beautiful young woman. I should have known since you were such a fun, loving and caring girl. I am so very proud of you. Love you.

  4. Hope says:

    Anna! Hope you are well! All y’all are so fun and beautiful! Next time we see each other, let’s plan it around an Indian food meal-one of my favorites too! :)

  5. BoB Garner says:

    Way to go Anna. We were @ KMBC, talked to your Mom.

    His Anchor Holds

  6. Hannah Avery says:

    This is beautiful Anna! So happy that you are doing something you love and creating such beauty!


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