December 19, 2012


So….you know me. At least a little. This here blog has been going on for FIVE years. Whew! Time keeps moving on! This past year has been transition for me and the biz….I have been joined by beautiful people whom I now work side by side with. We as a team, are ready to jump into a brand new year….AND we want to get to know YOU! What makes you happy, sad, smile, laugh, dance, dream, fight, feel fulfilled. So ….all in all….WHO ARE YOU??? What can we give you that will better meet who you are? We want to SERVE YOU in a way that fits you. That is why we are asking you to complete our survey!

AAAAAND, we want to share with you, a little bit of us.


If you win, you will receive the collection of our TEAM PICKS…including gift cards, items we love, and things that just make us happy!


To be entered in the giveaway, COMPLETE THE SURVEY! The survey is easy to fill out and will only take a minute of your time. Promise. To complete the survey, go HERE.

You will receive BONUS entries by:

– FACEBOOK – Sharing this giveaway on your Facebook wall. You can do that HERE. (Tag CHAR PHOTOGRAPHY in your post so we know you shared:).

– INSTAGRAM – Follow Grace and myself on instagram! Find the my Instagram HERE. and find Grace’s instagram HERE. For ANOTHER entry, take a screen shot of the image and post on your instagram (be sure to tag us so we know you shared :).

Giveaway ends December 31st. So in the hustle and bustle of Christmas fun…..take a minute to enter get your name in there!


  1. Karen McGrady says:

    What a fun idea for a giveaway! I didn’t realize your blog existed that long, but I’m glad I came across it.

  2. Karen McGrady says:

    Great giveaway idea! I had no idea your blog was around for 5 years, but I’m glad I came across it!

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