January 10, 2013



Haley has been interning this past year and she has been incredible to have around here. She comes in, gets to work, does her thing, and gets stuff done! Not to mention, she brings with her such a sweet, positive attitude she truly is a blessing just to have around. Today Haley is taking over and is going to tell you a little about herself….

Hey everyone! I’m Haley, you probably don’t know much about me, because I do a lot of the behind-the-scenes work at Char Photography.



So first of all, a few important things you should know about me:

-Photography is my passion (obviously)

-I am optimistic and open-minded

-I love the city

-I try to see beauty everywhere, where others cannot

-I hate talking about myself (so this may be difficult..)



I graduated from Manheim Central in June, and I am starting college at Kutztown University in just a few weeks – so EXCITED – and after that my goal is to continue to grow and establish my own photography business. I have been interning with Char for the past few months, and I’m absolutely loving it! :) It has been one of the best experiences, in many aspects. I have learned about running a business, interacting with people and clients, and of course, about photography, but I also learned about myself and the kind of photography business I hope to run.

I did a lot of the design work for Char, like designing albums, canvas gallery wraps,  and Facebook and blog headers. So if you received any designed products from us, there is a good possibility that I had a hand in designing it. :)

 Some important things I’ve learned to remember for business:

-You NEED to be ORGANIZED: make lists, write everything down, make a system and stick to it.

-Develop your own style

-Get to know the client so you can best capture their personality in the shoot

-A second photographer is a very good idea for weddings

-Never overlook the small details

-In an art field, you can never please everyone, ever, so don’t waste too much time trying to do so.

 If I had to pick the biggest lesson I’ve learned over the past few months, it’s that everything changes, but you have to accept it. There is something good in EVERY situation, you just have to find it. And no matter what you are expecting, God has a better plan. If you asked me last January what I thought I’d be doing a year from now, I don’t think I could have predicted any of the things that I’m actually doing. But you know what? This is even better!

Everyone here at Char Photography is incredible, and I’m going to be sad to leave, but I can’t wait to head off to college in a few weeks and see what new things are in store for me! The best advice I can give to anyone out there is to simply trust God. He has a plan for everything, even the tiniest details and your worst days. And always look on the bright side! It is almost impossible to have a bad day if you’re optimistic. :)

 “Few people get weak eyes from looking on the bright side” [anonymous]

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