January 11, 2013



In 2013, one of our goals at CHAR Photography is simply to get to know you! We want to meet you, hear from you, reach out to you, serve you, give you beauty and inspiration….in a small way, add a touch of LIFE to your life. On January 31st, we are offering a FREE BASIC PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP. We will be teaching basic techniques that are simple to apply but are essential to taking your photos to a whole new level. The evening will include Andrea and I teaching, a Q&A, and meeting others that want to learn also. Our desire is to give you practical tools that you can take and apply, successfully on your own.

Seating is limited. A digital SLR is helpful but not needed. The techniques we will be covering can be applied to a good ‘ol point and shoot. :) We would love to meet you there! GO AHEAD AND GRAB YOUR SEAT HERE.

If you would like a more in-depth teaching on the basics of portrait photography….WE HAVE THAT COMING! In February! Get in touch for more details.

  1. Brenda Weaver says:

    this sounds like so much fun, Char! I’d love to come, but since I already have taken a beginner’s photography class I’ll let someone else have the seat, since there’s a limit. I can’t wait to hear more about the February class! I’d really love to join you then!

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