March 19, 2013


Oh she is so fabulous!

So I met Amy about five years ago when I assisted another photographer, Rick, from Titus Touch Photography on a wedding. I remember that wedding, I was so freaking scared! I was so scared that I was going mess up and I was so nervous…I mean, it was a REAL wedding. Well, Amy was at this wedding also assisting Rick and I loved her. She helped me not feel so nervous. She is one of the most upbeat and kind people I have ever met. We kept in touch throughout the years and today she is a jumping in with both feet into her biz…and I think she ROCKS. When she asked me for head-shots for her new website, I was all in. Because I like to share a little with you who others are, I put her on the spot and did a mini ‘interview’. :) Be sure to check out her website and work HERE.

So Amy, tell me a little about you and who you are…


I am married to my closest friend…Josh is amazingly supportive of all I am. We have two kids (7 and 5) who are completely opposite in every. single. way! They keep us busy, inspire us and challenge us. We have a needy (understatement!) golden retriever who demands our attention at all times! As a family, we desire to serve God in everything we do and, of course, fall short often.;)


I like you.:)

What do you love about photography?

I love capturing life…taking a moment and pausing it, making it last a bit longer than time allows. I love that by taking a person’s photograph, I am becoming a small part of who they are. The camera is like my sketchbook, my way to capture and create and tell stories that are well worth telling. I love that no matter how much I learn about photography, there is still more out there to push and challenge me, to force me to see moments I might otherwise have missed.


A sketchbook…I like that! And yes, always and always more to push and challenge us.

How did you get started?

My photography started as a simple part time job… a friend of mine who is a professional photographer was looking for an assistant, someone to help with paperwork, create albums, and handle some of the business aspects of the job. I had just had my daughter and resigned from full time teaching so I jumped in. What started as a simple part time job, soon grew into a love of photography. I wanted to learn how to capture the images I was working with each week. I bought my own “good” camera and started my journey… first with my own family, then with friends. Finally, I took the leap (always a risk!) and began my own “little” business.


Ah yeah…. a big leap and a little risk….that is life, I think.

Tell me a little about your biz today…

I have been professionally photographing others on my own for about a year. Most of the time I shoot outdoors in natural light. Families and children are a favorite of mine…simple and real. The people in your life last forever. They are priority and I love to capture this special bond. I am committed to getting to know my clients and best capture who they are and love when clients become friends.


Simple and real. Your awesome, Amy. Here is to you and ALL you are and where you are headed. The stars are the limit….:) And BTW, your gorgeous.


  1. Michele says:

    Beautiful images! I love the variety, you have captured fun but yet a professional look all mixed together. I just know Amy will do great! She seems to have a very gentle and caring heart. Best Wishes for Amy!

  2. Donna Purvis says:

    Great interview. Great shots! I’m very proud of her and all she does!! Classy lady.

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