October 5, 2012


You will need to bear with me. This is going to be one long post. But you see, it is my sister’s wedding. And I cannot help myself. I want to show you everything. She was so beautiful. The sun was so warm. The sky so blue. The laughter so happy. The joy so tangible. The dancing so jolly. The hugs so tight. The food so good. It was my sister’s wedding day….let me tell you the story with pictures. It was a perfect wedding day for my little sister. You will see.

I admit, I was torn between my role as a bridesmaid and wanting to go crazy with my camera. So, I kinda did both. A little, at least. I photographed parts of the day when my role as a bridesmaid was not involved. Andrea and Jamie rocked their cameras and many of the photos you will see here are their images. Thank-YOU Andrea and Jamie!

To see Crystal and Andrew’s wedding even more than this post, see the slideshow HERE.

Together these two are adventure, life, and laughter! Crystal and Andrew….here is to you and ALL you are together. Love you both dearly. :)

The day took place at Tulpehocken Manor & Estate.

The was gorgeous. The whole week was. On the morning of her wedding, Crystal posted on her Facebook wall…”Today… I get married! And it’s a perfect beautiful day. It’s like all of heaven is rejoicing!” :) Yup.

We started off right with bacon and banana pancakes on the patio. :)

The DRESS. Ok, let me tell you just a little about this dress. Crystal and a seamstress worked together to design this dress. Each piece of fabric was tea dyed to a ‘just right’ golden hue. Each piece of lace was carefully selected and then placed on the dress. This dress was designed to be all about texture, whimsy, organic. It was a series of fittings, tweaking, adjusting, tea dying some more…until PERFECTION. The entire process was so Crystal. So pretty.

Crystal and details get along quite well. Details make Crystal’s eyes sparkle. She made each of the bridesmaids our very own personal hanger.

Groomsmen attire.:)

In many ways, everybody had a part in the day…it was family and friends coming together all adding there piece. See the Crystal’s head piece on the left? Our brother Daryl made this for her.

GRACE pampered. And did makeup. :)

Little sister Amber writing a note for the bride.

We knew our mother was watching from heaven. Oh how she would have loved to be part of the day. I know she would have beamed and have been so very proud. Crystal’s ‘something blue’ was a piece of fabric from our mother’s wedding dress. Yes, our mother’s wedding dress was blue. :) Tacked inside Crystal’s dress just above her heart. :)

So lovely.

AND, the man of the day…Andrew. This man treats my little sister like a queen. For real. I think he would do almost anything for her. Nothing too high or too far for this man….you name, he will go for it at all possible. Yup, I approve. :)

First look…

Pure joy. Most of the day, Crystal either had her head back laughing or was grinning at Andrew. Andrew, well he was quite smitten. ;)

The Manor’s old car was fun to have as part of the day.

She glowed. For real.

All the handsome fellows.

This is our brother, Daryl. He did ALL the flowers. Nope, he is not a florist. Just really good at anything he wants to be good at at. He did all the boutonnieres, bouquets, and reception centerpieces.

Crystal wanted a very natural-untamed-wildflower-thrown together-just picked from the garden feel to the bouquets.

Me and my sisters:)

And our family.

Ok, can I brag for a minute?? These our my babies….oh my, melt my heart looking so handsome in their bow ties and suspenders.

My family.:)

Mr Adler.

Almost time to walk the aisle. Reading a letter from Andrew…

Final touches.

Riley was the ring bear. The rings were carried on our mother’s Bible. Sunflowers were her favorite flower.

Dad and Crystal.

SO happy.

Loved Crystal’s flowers.

Adler, Riley, and cousin Lincoln were the ring bearers.

Festivities included yard games such as croquet, bocce ball, and yard sized checkers.

Photo booth.:)

Andrew made the checkers game!

Andrew made the flower boxes for the tables from old barn wood. Daryl filled them with flowers. Many of the flowers and all of the hens and chicks were cut from our family’s back yards.

Bridal table and flannel shirt ready to go for later in the evening.:)

Just cause I think he is cute.;)

The smores fixings.

Tabitha, our sister-in-law, did a fantastic job designing the candy station.

So pretty.

All of the dishes used on the dessert table were borrowed from aunts and our Grandma. In fact, one of the cake stands used was a wedding gift to our Grandma at her wedding! The blue chickens are from our Grandma’s collection…she has a whole cabinet full of them!

Aaaah, love the lighting.

See the wooden dance floor? Made by Andrew with their names and date carved in the middle. Yup, labor of love this man did to give his bride her dream wedding.

And the night was finished off with dancing under the stars. Square dancing to be exact!

And a little line dancing too. :)

At that is my little sister and her wedding day. Sigh. :)


  1. Jen Showalter says:

    OH MY GOSH!!!
    My dream wedding. Unbelievable! Every detail went unnoticed. Yes–I did cry. Loved the ringbearer idea with your sweet Mama’s bible.
    Loved the headpiece Darryl made! (Know him through my sister Jericho). And the flowers?! Wow!!! Amazing! He did a great job!
    Congrats to your sister!
    She is gorgeous…just like you.
    Oh…and I loved your boys! Way too cute! Loved the groomsmen w/ ties/plaid shirts. Way too cool!!!

  2. Amber says:

    Fabulous! I didn’t want them to end! A beautiful caption of a spectacular day!

  3. Tara says:

    Beautiful wedding. Beautiful blog. I always cry at weddings but never have reading a wedding blog before…. yup, I cried reading this one. What amazing attention to detail!! Just stunning.

  4. janet says:

    Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful! And I’m thinking all of heaven WAS rejoicing with your mother!

  5. Crystal says:

    ah, char these photos are like a dream!! so much fun to look through them and relive the moments. such a wonderful day! thank you so much :)

  6. Michele Barnes says:

    What an amazing wedding. Your images make me feel like I was there! It looks like your sister had a perfect day and one with tons of memories. I hope she is blessed with many years of more happiness than she can imagine! Your boys are adorable. I have 3 boys also and boys do have a special place in their mama’s hearts! Beautiful!

  7. jamie says:

    Char you did an amazing job in both of your roles the day of your sister’s wedding! You have given her such sweet images that she will have a life time to look back on and remember her wedding day! The details were amazing and I love how you shared the meaning behind each. I loved everything about their wedding, especially their love for one another that was so evident!

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