April 17, 2014


 Laughter and wit…that’s Andrea! She has a HUGE heart and cares deeply for those near to her. Andrea is a lead photographer here at CHAR Co…she has a knack for creating the best head shots and warm, life filled images. Having one of the best smiles ever and hair I am jealous of:)…..she brings a positive spin and enthusiasm to everything. Born is sunny California, Andrea has made her way to central PA, married a doctor, and has two beautiful daughters. She will be the first to admit, she works out so she can appease her serious weakness for lemon drops and chocolate. Andrea!! xoxo


Little bits of fun facts!

(Stay tuned for other team member’s fun facts)

10 fun facts about Andrea from Andrea….

1. “Mommy Monster” is the game we most frequently play in our house.

2. I am a recovering chocolate addict; I’m 30 minutes sober.

3. Dissecting a cow eye is my most vivid memory from any class in high school.

4. Whenever I watch ballet or modern dance, I tear up.

5. I have most of the lines of Wayne’s World 1 and 2 memorized.

6. Hand me a Magic Eraser if you’d like to see me in absolute amazement.

7. I fantasize about living in a small cabin in the woods with my husband and daughters.

8.Driving cross-country in an RV sounds like an awesome adventure to me.

9. I had to go up a size after working one season at my first job (at age 14). It was in a chocolate store.

10. I enjoy playing zombie-fighting video games.

AND 11. My favorite thing to do when I was little was walking to the creamery for a twist ice cream cone.

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