November 8, 2010

What I am loving these days…

1. Baby toes. Really…could they be any more perfect? I will never tire of admiring his tiny features…

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2. Friends. “IT IS BETTER TO EAT TWINKIES WITH FRIENDS THAN CELERY ALONE.” =) I am reminded again the value of dear friends. Somebody on my team. Cheering me on. Caring. Giving. Understanding. Allowing me to talk things through and process. We were created to need others.


3. JCrew. Always and again. I love their stuff.  Baby Corde may keep me from shoppig these days, but I can put together outfits and feel all inspired by flipping through a JCrew magazine.= )

4.  Salad. With LOTS of goodies on top. I go in spurts. But if I am in a salad spurt, I will eat salad because my chocolate cake spurt will hit soon.

5. Rework. A an easy read all about business. Given as a gift. =) I LOVE reading books that explain business and how to make it work. It has been perfect to pick up and read a few pages in between ‘baby’ care.

  1. diane miller says:

    aw. am excited to meet Corde in person.

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