November 20, 2010

My men…

I am crazy about these guys…


As a mother, I want to protect, nurture, and snuggle with my boys. Andrew thinks the world of his boys, but will show it in different ways. He will push, challenge, encourage, take them backpacking, wrestle, and make them into basketball players if at all possible….and has way more patience than I do with their little boy craziness.  =)

My goal for this photo was to capture and represent Andrew as a proud, strong Dad leading the way for his boys.

Poor Corde has his little face all scrunched…was not to happy about being disturbed from his nap.

It was taken on a warm October afternoon when Corde was less than one week old and I think I will always love it.

  1. Lori says:

    your men are amazingly cooperative!

  2. Annie says:

    LOVE it. Beautiful beyond words. I may have to do this with my family some day…

  3. Charlene Sensenig says:


  4. Bonnie says:

    Excellant job on this picture.
    I would say your goal of representing Andrew as a strong dad leading his boys was done well.
    You are blessed to have 3 precious boys but they are just as blessed to have wonderful Godly parents!
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    Be blessed

  5. Super cool picture! Love it!!! And I think you will treasure it forever, especially when they are young adults and you wonder where these men that call you mom come from.

  6. Mel Koehler says:

    This is such an amazing image! So powerful. :)

  7. Angel says:

    Love it !!!!!!!!!!

  8. Awesome!! I love it!

  9. Jessica says:

    how precious Char!

  10. Devon says:

    Char this is so beautiful! You’re such an amazing photographer.. I love your work! I hope someday you’ll be able to take more pictures for me!

  11. Stacee says:

    Awesome Picture!! I love it!

  12. Janelle Horst says:

    You are an amazing photographer! It is too cute! Your family has such a cute style and your kids know how to pose for a picture! What a beautiful family!

  13. Kris says:

    love your boys! and i got to say i love adlers expression!

  14. trina says:

    absolutely love it! i think you captured what you wanted perfectly!

  15. Crystal says:

    Luv it! Such a cute pic!

  16. Kolleen Seibel says:

    WOW Char……… amazing !!!!! An remember the little boys will soon grow up to be handsome young men.
    So give them the hugs and kisses and love …….. so enjoy !!!!

  17. Mom and Dad says:

    I can sure see why you are crazy about these guys–you are blessed with a a loving father/husband and 3 beautiful little guys. Enjoy each wonderful moment. Amazing photography! Shirley

  18. Deanna says:

    So Sweet! Treasure each precious moment…

  19. Rachael says:


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