January 19, 2011


Sooooo excited to share what I have been working on REALLY hard for the past number of weeks. A BRAND NEW website and blog! As a photographer, my website and blog is my face to the world. The website serves as a formal ‘Hello, nice to meet you’. The blog will continue to be photos from recent shoots, a mixture of randomness, personal photos, and a place for me to ramble. As the photography industry continues to explode with many new and wonderful photographers all the time, it is increasingly important to brand. A brand needs to clearly identify who I am, what I do, and what makes me different from others. My ‘brand’ needs to be crystal clear on my website and blog and then incorporated into all areas of my business down to the little details. It needs to sum up my client’s experience with me and then reside in their hearts and mind as who I am and what I offer. Ha..sound good? Is it simple? Nope. It takes a LOT of work to set this in place.

I can not say enough good about fabulous designer Promise Tangeman! I was thrilled when the details fell in place for her to design my website. I LOVED everything she designed. All of it. I was so drawn to her style and vibe. We started at the very beginning with questions such as ‘What is your favorite foods, stores, outfits, movies, and books.’ From there she asked me to describe my personality, target market, dream client, and photography style. Lastly, Promise asked me to put together an inspiration board using images, textures, fonts, and anything that was ‘me’. Following this, she put together a second inspiration board reflecting mine to confirm that she was spot on with what I was going for. I knew I did not want a website that was super clean and sleek. Or soft colors and airy. Or boring. =) I wanted rich color, warmth, organic, an edge, high fashion, slightly whimsical, simple but with fun detail. Implementing that into a graphic design? Not an easy task to say the least. Communicating about art can be tough. As Promise said…it takes a little mind reading for her to hear what her clients are saying. Needless to say, Promise ROCKED it. She designed a Showit site that represents me and my brand more perfectly than I thought possible. It takes an individual that is not only passionate about art but also about others to do this with excellence. And being super-duper talented certainly helps. I am so thankful for the experience of working with such a fascinating, successful, Godly women who lives with her whole heart and then some. Jeepers…and is a total sweetheart.=)

Check out the NEW WEBSITE here!

Also, a new twist on the business name. I have been feeling the need for something with a more crisp, solid, and personal feel. Promise helped me pull that together with the new logo and tag-line. And I love my new blog installed by Theresa. Please take a look around. See the little Facebook link on the left? I love that Facebook is accessible from my blog and new website. Because Facebook does not let you change the name of an existing page, I am starting over with a fresh, new Facebook page. =) Click the link on your left to ‘like’ the new page.

I feel like a solid website and brand provides a platform to shoot for the moon! So today I am anticipating. Just anticipating. =)

Here is the inspiration board I put together during the design process.

  1. Larry Weaver says:

    Am I the first one to comment on your new site?!! WOW! All I can say is it’s absolutely fabulous!!! I’m so excited for you! This new site represents your brand well! Great work! It’s an honor and privilege to work with you and be a part of this in a small way. Awesome!!!!

  2. Bobby says:

    Oh wow! LOVEEEE!!!!!! :)

  3. Janae says:

    Oh my Char!!! This site is stunning, and so very you!!! I adore every bit of it! I’m so excited for you.

  4. […] here or over on the “comment” tab of her new website. Also… Check out her blog post about the website and the process of working with me. Tags: artistic, char, creative, funky website, graphic […]

  5. Alicia Horst says:

    LOVE the new blog and website!!! It really does display the vibe of you! Your hard work paid off big time. Can’t wait to see how your brand continues to develop and mature. I know God’s got a blessing on it girl, you’re are a talented soul!

  6. Angel says:

    Gooooooooooooorgeous, simply FAAAAAAAAAAAAbulous!

  7. Linda Kahler says:

    Char, WoW! Congratulations! I love everything about your new site. Upward and Onward! Charphotograpy! Keeping it real through your eyes! God bless.

  8. anda says:

    wow char — WOWOWOWOW! i came right over from promise’s blog. i love all of promise’s work and your new brand/site/logo is my favorite so far i think. absolutely awesome. good work, team :)

  9. Sarah Carter says:

    Hi, I just discovered your site and blog through Promise’s and I
    m so glad I clicked over! Your work is lovely and I adore the ambience of your design. Very inspiring :)

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