November 1, 2010

He's here…

So this is where I have been lately….


The first week is gone. Already. I felt like I was hanging onto each day….not wanting it to end. There is something about the first week when babies are so new and so tiny that I want to bottle up and remember. Things that I don’t want to forget… The softness of his fuzzy hair. The sweet smell of his skin. How he snuggles on my chest. His tiny toes that he stretches out so it appears almost comical. His baby yawns and stretches. His satisfied sighs after eating when he lazily falls asleep on my shoulder. Family and friends who are being so generous and bringing food and gifts. Big brothers concern/almost panic when he cries. =) And although it sounds cliche…. the miracle of it all.

He arrived on October 23rd and weighed in at 7 pounds 10 ounces. We named him Corde Andrew. Corde is pronounced Cord with the ‘e’ silent. We liked the simple solidness of this name. Andrew is after Dad. This photo was taken when he was one day old. One of these days I will pull out the big camera and get some good shots. Right now, feeding and burping and diapering has taken all my time. And letting him sleep on my shoulder is what I’d rather do. =)

I have lots of adorable seniors from September I am looking forward to posting. Sometime soon. =)

  1. Eric says:

    So precious… and truly a miracle!! Enjoy this special time with Corde and the rest of your family!!

    Congratulations and God Bless!!!

  2. Rosanne says:

    He is absolutly adorable! And he is blessed to have you as his family!

  3. Kris says:

    char he sure is a sweetie!

  4. Lori says:

    How fun! How perfect! How good God is!

  5. Amanda NOlt says:

    How precious!

  6. Becky says:

    So sweet, Iam sorry I went out of town and forgot to send the order. I do that as soon as I can. Thanks Char, the Baby is just too sweet.

  7. Jessica LaCorte says:

    What exquisite features he has! Lovely! Our Alexandra Faith turned 3 on October 21 so we both have something to celebrate then! Blessings!

  8. Angel says:

    Congratulations !!

  9. Stacee says:

    Congratulations Char… He is absolutely precious!! :)

  10. Charlene Sensenig says:

    Oh my word, Char. How precious! Continue to treasure every moment! You are truly blessed with an adorable family…three boys…what fun!

  11. Kayla Shirk says:

    so adorable! congratulations, char (:

  12. Lesli says:

    He’s beautiful, congradulations and enjoy every second of these days, they go by so quickly.

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