November 26, 2010


How did this happen?


One minute I was cradling a baby…next minute I am looking into the eyes of my big little five year old boy.

Adler is a boy through and through. Independent. Determined to get his way. Is quite good at making ‘I am mad’ faces. Never willing to miss out on anything. Loves lizards, dinosaurs, and sharks. And yet oh so sensitive. Loves to snuggle up close. Will find me and curl up on my lap. Always pulls me into a hug and plants a big kiss on my lips each night. Finds great pride in ‘keeping mommy safe’.

Tiny little man who’s world consists of legos and matchbox cars with chocolate chip cookies mixed in between.

Wonder who he will be when he is a full grown man…

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I love extended weekends! Wishing you a weekend filled with sunshine, good coffee, and smiles. =)

  1. Ann says:

    char, he is as scrumptious as the day he was born! these pictures are adorable!

  2. Stacee says:

    Sooo stinkin’ cute!!

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