December 7, 2010


“I like to ask questions and say things that everyone is thinking but to afraid to say aloud.”

“I think outside of the box and make myself think”.


“I’m a writer. At least I like to think of myself as one. I write about everything and anything.”


“Books, books, books. I love to read. The Perks of Being a Wallflower, has to be in my top ten.

Books that make me think deeply and have the potential to change my perspective on things are my favorite.”


“I love all kinds of music, but especially underground bands, uncommon singers and types of music such as NeverShoutNever!, Holiday Parade and Sia.”


“My friends and family are such a huge part of my life. I don’t know what I would do without them. They keep me sane haha!”


Courtney plans to go to PITT to become an English Major and have a career in journalism.

Seriously, LOVED Courtney. Such a doll and a total sweetheart!




Courtney’s bestest came along for the shoot. Girlfriends rock!


I stumbled upon this gem of a door near the end of the shoot. Funny thing is I shot in this town many times in the past and never noticed it. Courtney’s cute black and white sweater and converses were the perfect contrast with the bright blue door. =)


  1. Ann says:

    great post! i love the picture of the besties! a beautiful picture they will always treasure!! reminds me of a picture i have with my bestie from long long ago. who WERE those girls up in onterio??? smile.

  2. Robin says:

    Gorgeous pictures, especially the pictures with the doorway! What kind of camera do you use?

  3. Jimmy says:

    That’s awesome that she brought her friend along! I was thinking of ideas today for future shoots I’ll be doing, and thought this would be a great way for a client to feel a bit more comfortable at a shoot.

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