December 10, 2010

Jason and Hilary

“I love you to the moon… and back.”

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It all began at a party with mutual friends. It was raining. The kinda knew each other, but not really. He thought she was beautiful. She laughed at his jokes and thought him to be quite charming. They shared her umbrella. A red umbrella. And underneath that red umbrella a story began.

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He was smitten. He secured her phone number from her friend and called her the very next day.  It was love. Three months later he gave her a kiss. It was true love.

Jason planned this shoot as a surprise for Hilary. But this was only a small part of the plan. You see, he had a gorgeous rock burning a hole in his pocket. Proposal was on his mind.

The proposal happened in the morning and the shoot was planned for the afternoon. =)

As we emailed back and forth planning the details, I asked Jason to tell me a little about themselves so we could plan the shoot to reflect them. He said it so perfectly…

“She is gorgeous, yet so humble. She is kind, and has a heart for people. Her smile is beautiful. She has a passion for God. A love that is unconditional. And she definitely makes me want to be a better person. She is going to Zambia in January to help the undeserved, on her return she will graduate in the spring with her BS in nursing. I would have to say that her 3 most favorite things in the world are… napping, Nutella, and running hugs. Her favorite color is mustardy yellow. She loves fall and especially Christmas!! She started listening to Christmas music in October. She loves anything pumpkin.”

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“If I’m able to come home or see her on the weekend we mostly have to study, but when we have time –  going for a walk, having a picnic, taking a nap in the park with lots of blankets, campfires, sitting outside under the sunset, wood stove fires in winter, playing in the snow and hot coco. She loves mittens, scarfs, and pea coats. Shopping every chance she gets… but never buys anything:) She won’t let me buy her anything…. I do anyway. Her face and gratitude is always priceless. She loves little surprises and little gifts. She never takes me from granted. I love our little inside jokes that no one else gets. I think she is hilarious even when she is not trying to be. I love laughing together. Sometimes we would rather do nothing than anything at all. She loves taking pictures. She would prefer a little cafe’ over a fancy restaurant any day. She love snuggling on the couch with a hot cup of coffee and a good book.

Her favorite saying is …I love you to the moon… and back.”

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“I love her more than anything in this world and I’ve been waiting for this day since I first saw her.”

How’s that for romantic?!! =)

Loved meeting and working with these guys. See their slide show here.

Jason and Hilary…you are beautiful together!


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  1. Ann says:

    so beautiful! so romantic! love them all!!

  2. Hilary says:

    Thanks so much Char!! These photos are wonderful! I think they capture us perfectly. :)

  3. Katie says:

    =] Such an adorable story and couple.
    And I’m such a fan of this tall grasses stuff, Char!

  4. Mel Koehler says:

    These are perfect in every way! :)

  5. Jana Barkman says:

    This is absolutely priceless, sweet, genuine & beautiful!! Love their God-focus! Great job capturing both the physical and emotional aspects of their story! So inspiring!

  6. Heather Hoffman says:

    This love story is sooo God WRitten…..such a sweet story! :)
    Blessings to you both …..may your marriage be a joy and example to many. Congrats! :)

  7. Kathy (Grandma) Horst says:

    Beautiful photos and delightful story. Love for each other and for God equals a good recipe for a successful and happy marriage. May God guide and bless you always!

  8. Aunt Amy says:

    Wow. Overwhelmed (to tears, of course) by the beautiful pictures, beautiful story and beautiful people. Love and best wishes to you both for what is starting out as a beautiful relationship.

  9. Hilary says:

    Thank you so much everyone! We’re so glad you like the pictures and we really appreciate your kind words.

  10. Susanna says:

    oh my goodness! The words of love and beautiful pictures are priceless! Stories like this warm my heart. Awesome job Char and congrats to the happy couple!

  11. Melanie says:

    Thanks for saying hi, Char! :) I enjoy your blog! And this ^ is a beautiful couple!

  12. Mom and Dad says:

    Char, We Know both of these kids, Jason since he was a little boy, and helped us by working for us doing odd jobs. We were his youth group leaders. You have captured them so beautifully. Wonderful couple, and gorgeous pictures. As someone else said, “God plus true Christian love make a wonderful recipe for marriage.” We know we are married 43 years. Best wishes to Jason and Hillary a GREAT couple. Awesome job (as usual) Char.

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