December 15, 2010


There is something about this photo that I love. For one thing, this is what I see Riley doing all the time. Second, this photo is brimming with enthusiasm. Third, I love how wide this was shot capturing the big building in the background and the sidewalk in the foreground. It would look so great blown up as a HUGE gallery wrap and hung on his bedroom wall.


This is one of many photos taken by Sanderson Images a few weeks ago. So fun! They are wonderful. I love meeting and working with other photographers. I always learn. John and Kim’s shooting style is so different from me. I loved this. I walked away inspired to step outside of what I have become comfortable with. For one, shoot wide to give variety. I adore my 50mm/F1.2 lens. Becasue of this, I tend to shoot with it almost all the time. Now I have my eyes set on the 35mm/F1.4 lens. =) Second, invite craziness. Because life is a bit crazy and this results in full of life photos. =) And full of life photos is always my goal.

  1. Mel Koehler says:

    “like.” :)

  2. Lori says:

    would be beautiful in a huge gallery wrap, for sure!

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