December 23, 2010

Feeling a little…

Feeling a little crafty! =)


Craftiness and the inspiration to do it comes and goes for me. But I was feeling inspired so I decided to use it while it was there. So instead of spending my pennies on fancy ribbon and sparkly wrapping paper from Target, I stopped in at the local Salvation Army. I have low tolerance for that place. I need to keep my visit short and to the point. I wish the rows and bins didn’t overwhelm me because I know there are full of buried treasures. And I am always a little jealous when others find designer boots there for, you know…five bucks. =) So I went right to the curtain aisle and fabric bins and found what I was looking for….fabric bits and ribbon. Combined that with brown paper wrapping paper and I was feeling all Martha Stewarty. Ha. Maybe not totally Christmasy, but it will do the job. crafty

Anyway, I am loving a break from craziness this month. Yeah, there is always lots to do as the holidays get in full swing. But not having any shoots for November and December has allowed me to do little projects like this. It feels nice. Kinda feels like a spa day for my brain. =)

  1. Love it!
    Thanks for the inspiration … I need to wrap gifts today and tomorrow. Now instead of buying paper/ribbon/etc. I’m going to dig in my box of fabric scraps leftover from other projects.

  2. Becky says:

    Absolutely delightful…LOVE it!!!

  3. Rosanne says:

    I am loving these! Have a blessed christmas!

  4. Angel says:

    LOOOOOOOVE it! (of course) You have a way about you……..

  5. Mel Koehler says:

    Love it!

  6. diane miller says:

    this idea is timeless. i agree with your army theory. i love it for one second and then hate it the rest of the time. could not agree more. thank you for the gift and card. you sure do know what i like to spend my money on!!! thank you thank you thank you

  7. Ann says:

    a spa day for your brain? wow. nice! i’d like to get me one of those. :) the gifts were, of course, lovely.

  8. Lydia says:

    I have that same low tolerance for thrift stores, but shopping at them with my sisters helps! They browse through the rack and show me cool stuff in my size while I sort through the outer aisles collecting things they might enjoy. It balances out so I don’t go crazy! Love your gift wrap idea!

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