January 3, 2011

Let’s Go.


I love this time of the year. It’s a gift from God. Like He is giving me a fresh, unmarked year to run with. It’s an opportunity to look at the past year and ask what was good…what was not good…and how can I learn from that? It’s an opportunity to leave the past behind with it’s good, bad, and ugly and look ahead at the next 365 days. It’s an opportunity to plan, set goals, and dream big. This past year has been a big year. Good things…such as a brand, new baby. But this past year has also been a really tough year…for several reasons. I have learned A LOT about myself through it all.

Today I am feeling excited for 2011. Hopeful. Ready. Settled.

“Dear God…here’s my hand. Let’s go.” =)

  1. Ruthiey says:

    I love the picture!

  2. Ann says:

    i’m coming with you!! love this picture. love you even more.

  3. Linda Kahler says:

    I am excited for you Char!

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