September 29, 2011


Folks, meet Shane and Sarah…

Shane is quite a character (we laughed so much during this session, right Kelsey?!;))! Sarah is genuinely beautiful. Loved meeting these two!

They were acquaintances for one year. Both have very different versions of who liked who first. Sarah likes to think Shane had his eye on her from day one, but he claims it was the other way around. The sparks began to dance one summer on the tennis court. They played tennis with two mutual friends almost everyday and had a tournament going. Every time it was Sarah’s turn to serve, Shane would characteristically dance, sing, and do his best to distract Sarah from his side of the court. And well, she found it quite endearing. Sarah says it was her black yoga pants that first caught Shane’s attention. =) Either way, between time spent together and whizzing tennis balls, they both fell hard and have never looked back.

Shane is outgoing, personable, care-free, silly, spontaneous, hilarious, energetic and loves to entertain. Sarah is similar….just not as ummmm, crazy. I asked how they love spending time together. FOOD. Favorites are pizza hut (you have to ask for the ‘old world sauce’), La Tolteca, The Melting Pot, and Bennys! And there is also tennis, comedy shows, traveling, movies, anything active, hanging out with friends/family, playing the card game rook, and just being together while doing nothing.

I love to hear about others…their passion and where they want to go. So I asked Sarah and Shane…..”We have BIG dreams. Dreaming together is one of our favorite things. Shane is a visionary and I am a strategic planner so together we hope to accomplish Big things. We want our marriage to be about more than just our relationship to each other, we want it to be about how we respond to God’s calling on our lives, together, as a team–teamdaniels! We hope to combine our talents and passions to radically fight for justice. We have dreams of living simply and making our neighborhood our mission field. We dream of bridging socioeconomic, cultural, and racial gaps. We dream of being motivational speakers, writing books, creating documentaries and connecting individuals to the necessary resources and education needed to fulfill their life’s purpose. And we hope to expand the work of The Beautiful Door Foundation (a nonprofit shane and his best friend started). We have dreams of traveling nationally and internationally….And so much more!!”

How’s that for a mission statement?!! Sarah and Shane, love your hearts and your passion. Loved meeting you! Love the laughter. Thank-you, thank-you. Looking to the BIG day soon! See the slideshow HERE.

We stopped by a field for a few…as the rain starting falling. =) LOTS of rain lately.

These photos seem to make Shane appear all serious. Yeah, not true.

  1. Janae Martin says:

    Oh Char! These photos are so beautiful! ahh I love them. Especially the last photo! I love the story of two hearts finding each other.

  2. Where are the tennis court pictures?!?! JK! Great Story and Awesome pictures! You are a trememdous photographer!

  3. Emily says:

    wow, gorgeous pictures and what an amazing, inspiring couple!!!

  4. Kendra says:

    They look like such a fun couple!!! Love the photos :)!

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