May 9, 2012


Travis and Janelle!

It started in second grade. He had a HUGE crush on her when she played softball with his little sister. They started ‘dating’ ;) in 8th grade AND during their senior year they were named high-school sweethearts. How’s that for tried and true?:)

“Travis is incredibly sweet and selfless. He is always thinking of others and doing little things that make me smile. Like the one day before I had to go to work he drove over to my house and surprised me with a french vanilla cappuccino (my favorite!). When we were in high school, he came to my house to help me finish my math homework while he was having a Superbowl party at his house AND his favorite team, the Steelers, was playing.” Now THAT is a devoted man. :)

“Most importantly, Travis brings out the best in me. He is truly my best friend, and he knows me better than anyone.”

“I love that we are so different in some ways, but that we agree on all of the things that really matter. Janelle is everything I’m not, and I love that.”

“Two of our favorite things to do together are watch movies and play sports. When the weather’s nice, we spend hours outside. We love to play volleyball and Frisbee. We enjoy grilling and eating dinner out on the deck. Since we don’t get to spend a lot of time with just each other, we’ll occasionally plan dates that last the whole day. These days usually consist of our favorite things, like french toast, pancakes, and hot chocolate from Schwalms, shopping at King of Prussia, white chocolate mocha from Starbucks, a movie at the Regal, dinner at Olive Garden or Red Lobster, and then Ben & Jerry’s ice cream for dessert. These days couldn’t get any better!”

Actually, that sounds really awesome. Pancakes, hot chocolate, Starbucks, and shopping at King of Prussia….all together? I would take one of those days anytime!

Travis and Janelle…I loved your easy laughter. Your obvious trust in each other. Your strong friendship. Thank-you for being up for meeting me bright and early on a Saturday morning. Here is to you and many beautiful days together!

Pretty lady…

Loved this fun idea Travis and Janelle had…

  1. Rosanne says:


  2. angel says:

    beautiful!!!!!!!! wowsers!

  3. k. says:

    I love it :)

  4. I completely adore this site! totally gonna have to remember to put this on my blogroll.

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