June 15, 2012


I have been rather absent from this blog recently. This has not been my intention….I love blogging and writing. However, I am not good at forcing myself to write if I am not feeling the words or have too many other details going on in my life…thus this blog has been rather quite lately. :) Do you ever feel like hiding from the world? I do. I need quite time to to refresh. To gain perspective. And I am learning when I need that and to listen to that. To go with my heart and not what I think I ‘should’ be doing. Learning that, understanding that, and living that out…is….a….process. :)

Andrea from Andrea Marie Photography is awesome and you will be seeing more of her work on this blog soon…more to come on that!!! She took these photos of me and my people! Ah yes, my people. :) The world may be spinning around 100 miles per hour….but these guys keep me grounded and focused.

Corde is one and a half….how did that happen so fast?? He is at an age I love….so much personality and still little enough to be innocent and adorable even when he is throwing around some attitude. I love that I can just look at him and he breaks into a huge grin.

We had no plans of Andrew being in the photos…it was going to be just me and the boys. But since he was with, Andrea pulled him into some of the photos and I am so glad she did!

Mr. Adler is on the left….he all about snuggling, keeping up with big brother, tadpoles, and roller blades. One minute he us a sweet as honey and the next minute he lets me know in no uncertain terms, ‘I AM MAD.” Ah, yes…the life of a six year old.

Riley is the oldest. He is responsible. Loves quality time, playing games, swims like a fish, and wants to be a soccer player. He notices details and retains details SO much better than me. He is starting to notice things about people and life and asking questions like this…”why do big kids and big people worry and babies don’t worry?” He just graduated from SECOND grade. Jeepers.

Hope you all have a beautiful weekend! :) The sun will be shining….soak it up!

  1. Robin I says:

    Char, I love seeing your family…what a beautiful and peace filled sight. Although I’m sure it’s not always that way with three little ones. You and Andrew surely have your hands full of love. I had hoped to stop in your new studio however could not find the address on your website. Where is it located? Next time I’m in M-town I’ll check to see if you are there. Gods blessing to this special family.

    Love Robin

  2. Nancy says:

    Beautiful pictures, and beautiful people. Love you guys!

  3. Bonnie says:

    You have a beautiful family! You’re a wise woman to realize when you need to step back.
    It’s been fun watching your boys grow & they are all so handsome!
    Enjoy your week end!
    Be blessed,

  4. Alley says:

    Oh my word – you’re boys are getting so big!!!! Adorable :)

  5. Crystal says:

    mmm i love you and your people :)

  6. Michele says:

    Char, the photos are great! I am so glad to hear that you and Andrea were able to meet! I saw her this past weekend and she told me she was going to be shooting with you. I am so excited for both of you. You are both amazing photographers!

  7. Jen Luciano says:

    Beautiful pictures. BEAUTIFUL family!

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