July 3, 2012


Experience. It is a buzz word in the photography industry these days. And I have been thinking about it a LOT. A GOOD experience leaves us happy and energized. Excited about where we are going and eager to get there. Motivated. Confident. A good experience validates. It affirms. It is makes us smile. It enables us to see with clarity who we are AND feel good about it! Experience.YES. I will take a good experience any day!

My mission statement states: Guided by our passion to create beauty; we will enable others by esteeming, affirming, and validating.

This passion of mine burns in my soul and it is my goal with each and every client that I have the privilege to work with. This has many levels and layers….however….EXPERIENCE plays a huge role in this. And boy, has this been fun to develop and continue to develop.

SO….let me tell you a little about Grace. Originally hailing from Virginia, with a stop in California, and a stint in Australia, she currently lives in Lancaster, Pa with her husband. She smiles and laughs and her eyes light up. She loves people. And sunshine and the breeze in her hair. She is ORIGINALITY and refuses to imitate. :)  Grace has a way of creating beauty where ever she goes. Working magic with shoes and jeans and accessories. Not to mention glitter, garage sale heels, and even packing crates (Check out her blog on that!). Knowing what lipstick is good. How to put together an outfit that is off just enough to be just right on! Color blocking and great hair. The latest on fashion…and what is is good about the latest. This is Grace. Her style is natural, soft, relaxed….with a touch of dreamy bliss. One part classic and two parts free spirit. :)

Grace is our STYLIST and brings with her a love of all things beautiful. She will be adding a stellar element to the experience we are giving our senior clients! She believes wholeheartedly that the best pictures are authentic and natural and takes great pleasure in helping them find there unique spin on fabulous. As a Photography Stylist, her primary goal first and foremost with each and every person is to understand who they are and what makes them happy.  From there, creativity blooms and and the fun begins! :) She works diligently with each client to help define and create the entire “feel” of their photos. Bring on the Pinterest boards for inspiration, assistance with planning outfits, guidance with hair and make-up, suggestions on where to shop AND find good deals, easing your fear of WHAT SHOULD I WEAR??:)…and maybe even an iced coffee during your shoot. :) This is Grace. She is awesome. I am so excited to be working alongside her….alongside you.

Check out Grace’s blog HERE and peek at her Pinterest boards HERE.

Oh, shoes:)

In honor of Grace’s launch we are offering a LIMITED amount of TWO FOR ONE SENIOR PORTRAIT SESSION.


Two Friends Together for one Signature Style Session with Grace
Here is what’s included:

$475 for a Signature Style Session with Grace

One Vision (how great is that??)

Pin Boards

On going Communication with GRACE, Premier Fashion Stylist, as you plan ALL the details of your special day

Custom Location Selection

Professional Hair and Make-up

Grace AND a Photographer at Your Portrait Session

Individual Photos

Best Friend Portraits (memories that last a lifetime:)

It is summer, the sunshine is warm, our summer is booking up….spread the word….we cannot wait to hear from you! :)

AND check back Thursday…we have some really fun things to share with you!

  1. laura says:

    She looks like Drew Barrymore – lovely! How exciting for you both, not like you needed a boost to your rocking sessions, but how fun?!? i wish i was a senior and close enough for that awesome session!

  2. Andrea says:

    Grace is such a styling rockstar and these portraits of her are BEAUTIFUL! She is SO photogenic!!!!

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