July 19, 2012


So let me tell you a little about this. It started last year. It was the end of a busy year and I was feeling a overworked. I wanted a schedule that allowed more ‘breath’ time. I am learning….I am one person. ;) I can only do so much. You would think I would have learned this earlier on in life. Right? Yeah, not me. I am still trying to wrap my mind around this and let go of the mindset that I can do it ALL. I have one set of strengths. And weaknesses. I was ready to share the responsibility. I was ready for CHAR Photography to not just be Char that answers emails, edits photos, designs, shoots, blogs, packages, manages QuickBooks….the list goes on. If you are a photographer…you know. Not only that, I have been thinking a lot about the STRENGTH of being united with others. “And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.” Matthew 18:19. I believe we were created to be interdependent. Collaborating, dreaming, planning, working along side others. I believe there is incredible value in partnering with others. It adds a substance, steadiness, and a vitality. In ALL areas of life. Today I am applying it to the biz. THIS is my vision and heart behind having a team. It started as a vision and dream….turning it into reality has been one step at a time. I told God…I will walk if He shows me the next step. And I am walking. I am learning….life is a journey. It is ever evolving. I will never ARRIVE. Thank goodness I don’t even need to try. Instead, I will walk, take the next step, seek wisdom, hit walls, pick myself up again, and learn as I go.



“Guided by our passion to create beauty; we will enable others by esteeming, affirming, and validating. We will consistently produce artistic quality art within a boutique experience.  With  attention to detail, commitment, honesty, integrity, and warmth; we will serve others and honor our God.”

This is ultimately….what we do. What is pulsing through our veins. Today I am so blessed and extremely humbled to be surrounded by these people.



Janae is interning with me this year. She is a photographer with her own business. Let me tell you, this girl’s heart shines straight through the ceiling. What an incredible asset she as been to me and the business. Janae not only assists me on wedding days but THEN takes over editing the wedding for me. Is that amazing or what? If don’t know….IT IS. Her calm sweet presence has been such a blessing to me over the past months.




Andrea is a photographer. Ok, she is an AWESOME photographer. I love everything her work, who she is, and her warm, bubbly personality. She has been second shooting with me on wedding days and is photographing senior portraits with and for me. Many of the photos you have seen on the blog recently have been hers! This has been so good and I am so excited about working with her!


Yours truly. Thanks Andrea for the photos. Thanks Grace, for letting me borrow your shoes…yeah, I just don’t have shoes that cool of my own. Thanks Janae and Kathleen for making me laugh so I don’t look super awkward in front of the camera. ;)




Grace has been incredible to have by my side. Her support and enthusiasm has been such a blessing to me. She is our STYLIST. Grace breaths and creates beauty wherever she goes. It has been so fun including this service in our client’s experience. It might be a suggestion for a certain shoes, putting together two pieces you would have never thought about putting together, hair done just right, direction with makeup, posing, suggestion on where to find that great blazer, colors that flatter….this is what Grace does and does it WELL. Speaking of beauty….check out her blog post on BEAUTY.

To hear her perspective on the team….visit her blog HERE.




It still blows my mind that somebody can get excited about QuickBooks. How is that possible?? :) Kathleen has come in and taken over client communication, office management, up-keeping the data base….the list goes on. In fact, she even has bottles of water and granola bars ready for me to grab and take with on shoots. She created a cleaning chart so we are sure to keep the studio clean. Makes sure we hand in all receipts so things are ORGANIZED. Yeah, pretty much all things I don’t do so well. And honestly, and am so happy to not have to do it anymore. She comes in, does her thing…and really has no need for me. And I am liking that! Her calm, sweet presence is rest to my soul and I am so happy to see her here.



To learn a little more about who these ladies are…stop by the website and see the TEAM page. Thanks for letting me share a little about my life. May you have a beautiful day….wherever you are….whatever you are doing. :)

  1. Nancy says:

    Amazing! I’m speechless and so proud of you! God has smiled on you and Blessed you.

  2. jamie says:

    What an amazing team you have!! I am so excited for you! and the shoes look great on you!

  3. natalie says:

    Char – you have such a GREAT thing going. So happy to know you and to see all of your dreams coming to fruition! Best of luck. <3

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