July 20, 2012



I love these guys!A

I have known Sam’s family for quite a while…and they are one of the kindest, most genuine families I know. I photographed Sam’s two sisters…Alex and Maggie’s, senior photos. I am honored to be part of a wedding day for this family. Having a family trust you and come back several times….in one of the biggest compliments ever. Seriously. OK…let me tell you a little about Sam and Danny. Danny is easy going and talkative and you can’t help but like him. A lot.  Sam is a sweetheart. She is quiet, free spirited and loves the sunshine and the breeze in her hair.

ADanny says….

“We both met as darling middle schoolers and discovered love at first sight. I, an obnoxious eighth grader, saw Sam for the first time. Even with her hair pulled tight in a ponytail, and an awkward sense of fashion, I was struck by cupid. We dated for about a week, and as most relationships in middle school go, we broke up. The timing was not right, but we would see that God had a plan for us in the future. Years go by and we always kept in touch, admiring each other from afar. Boyfriends and girlfriends came and went, but one thing remained constant…our adoration for each other. My big break came after my senior year of high school, when I was able to take her to a movie (She was finally available!) I took her to a horror movie to show her how “manly” I was, but to my surprise and dismay, I turned out to be the chicken. From that moment we have been inseparable. She has been the girl of my dreams since I was in eighth grade, and I constantly pinch myself just to assure myself that this is all for real. Every day shared with her is a blessing, and I cannot wait to make many, many more memories together.”A

ASam says…

“Danny, I would say can be loud at times, but in a fun-loving friendly mannered way! He likes to include humor in our relationship, which I think is one of his finest qualities. He ALWAYS makes me laugh no matter how hard I try to be serious. He is competitive by nature, which is opposite of me who does not have a competitive bone in my body. We both love hanging out with friends and family, playing golf with Buddy, and simply being together. We dream of traveling, experiencing many wonders of the world, having animals, hiking, kayaking, trail riding, and always being best friends!”


Danny, you are GOOD. You got the serious stare down and I am liking it!

Meet Buddy, folks!

Sam, Sam…you make me happy. So pretty!

The wedding date! Thanks Alex for getting these balloons to do what we wanted them to do!

Sam and Danny planned for their session to be on the horse farm with Sam’s horse.




Seriously Sam and Danny….cannot wait for your wedding day. Thank-YOU for being so awesome.

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