September 27, 2012


Quiet. Peaceful. Rain. Time to think. Does not happen too often these days. I have been in survival mode….just doing what needs to be done. Homework, client meetings, dinner, shoots, pickup house….my brain is in to-do list mode. When this happens, my creativity starts suffering….and I lose my ability to think past what needs to be done the next moment. Not good. For many reasons.

Inspiration. For LIFE. Comes in many forms. But I need to P.A.U.S.E. and give it room to be there. Inspiration never forces it’s way in. Pause. See, hear, taste life around me. Appreciate. The rain hitting the sidewalk. Corde’s baby smell. Jumping under the covers for a few more delicious minutes. Calm assurance of dear friends. Sweet apples from the local orchard. A smile given freely. A quiet house. It’s inspiration. Inspiration keeps me grounded.

I am thinking….It takes INTENTIONALITY to pause, appreciate, and savor.

  1. Jessica says:

    Ahhh…thanks for the reminder. I’ve also been in to-do list mode. We are blessed beyond measure and what a pity to not stop and recognize it.

  2. Angel says:

    Inspired by you!

  3. Nancy says:

    Char, May your day be God touched , and his Blessings rain on you today! I lift your family to Him most every day. Love you guys!

  4. Linda says:

    Oh I appreciated what you had to share on thinking….Inspiration! I was in this mode and WOW and these words help to sum up what i am thinking. Thanks

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