November 5, 2012




Recently I was asked….”What inspires you?” And well, it got me thinking. Ever since, I could not get the question off my brain.


So this weekend I did a little experiment. I was intentionally aware of what inspires me. Or rather, I choose to do my weekend using all my senses. Life without inspiration is rather dull. I believe we are created to feel, live, and breathe with inspiration. Granted, at times life gets to be a lot…and inspiration falls by the wayside. We decide it is not necessary. Survival is all that matters.  BUT… what I am learning is this…inspiration is simple. However, it does not just happen unless we leave room for it. Seek it. Watch for it. Be alert to it’s stirring. It takes a little intentionality. At times it may ask us to step outside of the safety of what is normal and routine. If left untouched and does not come after us. BUT…if we stop for a minute, watch, see, walk towards it…it is all around us. In the most quiet, humble, beautiful way. A little inspiration breathes life into what was drab and bored. Inspiration….so simple. Yet so beautiful.

Bits of my weekend that I was inspired by…

Colors. The scent of autumn apples. Shapes and textures. My boy’s bright eyes. Boots now on my wish list. Cup of coffee at my kitchen table. Saturday night with Andrew (without kids!:). Movement. Calmness. People. Light. Emotion.

 Know what else? Inspiration is contagious. Being around others that are inspired leave me inspired and wanting to seek even more inspiration of my own. It is a beautiful thing.

I wonder…how my day to day life would be different if I always allowed room for inspiration? If I choose to watch for it. Inspiration. I want to feel inspiration bursting at my seams. Exploding in my soul. I want to feel it’s boldness and it also it’s calm and quietness. I want to see it’s constant movement. Feel it’s breath on my cheeks. See it all around me.

Are you inspired today? What inspires you?

  1. Michael Good says:

    Love it, Char! I’m inspired by great coffee, the outdoors, and going on walks with my beautiful wife.

  2. diane miller says:

    you. inspire me. :) it was good to see you again even if it was such a tiny time. it sounds super crazy to say this here but death inspires me. the fact. the thought. experiencing it close up has always made me search after life harder. does this make sense? being inspired to live life to the fullest while you have it and having a keen sense of how short time is. morbid me.

    • Char says:

      It was so good to see you and your man, Diane! Morbid you! Death is reality…if it inspires us than that is right and good. Life is short. So very short. And YOU inspire me too!

  3. Angel says:

    This post inspired me. I am inspired by the crunch of fall leaves under my feet as I run, the smell of a cake my daughter made as it bakes, by colors and people and most of all by love.

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