November 15, 2012


Lindsay! This girl has assisted me on many shoots, sometimes driving an hour to meet me on the shoot location, carried gear up and down hills, trudged through fields, and even washed windows in the studio….all as part of her senior project! She is awesome….always has a smile and a “Sure, I can do that’ response to anything that needed done. All in all….I loved having her by my side. And I will MISS her….:/.

LINDSEY, thank-you for being a true servant. You have been an incredible blessing to me this past year and a half and I am so glad our paths crossed. Your heart shines right through the ceiling and I have no doubt you have amazing adventures in your future!

If you need a little sunshine and smiles today…I have just that for you. Meet lovely Lindsay, folks.

(By the way….this fall has been a little crazy…so many seniors I am excited to share with you here on the blog…so stay tuned.:))


  1. Lisandro Rivera says:

    I love your work!! I am branching into senior portraits and I will be looking at your sight for inspiration!!

    Lisandro Rivera

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