November 16, 2012



Gabbie and Sophie! You know we love you! How could we not love your awesomeness? These girls literally live a block away from the studio. I will see them talking and walking their dogs together…chatting and doing what girlfriends do. Styled by GRACE and bringing who they are to the shoot….these girls rocked it out. What a fun session it was!

This is Sophie!

She has got a personality and contagiousness (is that a word??) that makes you instantly love her! Kinda loving this orange blazer…

Gabbie and Sophie selected the location…AND it had a Volkswagen van! Not complaining.

This is Gabbie…

One brave girl we have here. This girl has been fighting against the disease we all hate. This past year she has experienced a lot of things that I am pretty sure many of us would not weather with such grace and dignity. She is one strong little fighter…and she is coming out on the other side!

So pretty these girls are….


Their favorite! And one of mine too.


  1. Ann says:

    love these bestie shots!!! makes me wish for pics with my besties. if ONLY we knew a good photographer!! seriously. how fun would it be??? love your pics. love your heart even more!

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