November 21, 2012


Today I am thankful for life. A life that I allows me to grow, dream, explore, love, and be. I have the luxury of making decisions, taking steps forward, run towards goals….and then put on the brakes when I feel the need to just stop. I am my own person. Each day 24 hours is given to me….and with that I am also given a choice. What I do, where I go, how I “see”, what I believe, how I love, give….who I am.  And wow. In all honesty, that is incredible. A luxury. My life is what I make it. You know?

Today I am thankful for that. It is a luxury. A responsibility. Reality….whether I like it or not. I am blessed. And today I acknowledge that with a heart full of gratitude.

And I am thankful for how fun it is to celebrate a seven year old’s birthday! Adler turned seven this past week. Crazy, last I checked he was three.;)



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