January 3, 2013


This is me and mine.

It is 2013! Wow….I am still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that another year has gone by. This year, priority over a list of goals…(which I will do) I am going to focus in on values. What are my values? What do I stand for? What does ‘life with excellence’ look like to me? This will be the platform for my goals. Anticipating!

Other NEWS…WE HAVE A WINNER to our GIVEAWAY. Thank-you to everybody that entered. We appreciate you! Check back TOMORROW for the announcement! :)

  1. Ann says:

    i am infinately grateful to be on the inside of this with you…to stand beside you on this platform. watch. anticipate. believe. cheer. and be proud. of you. because you are my person. i love this pic of you and yours!!

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