January 4, 2013


Thank-you so much to all who entered our GIVEAWAY! It has been so fun to read your responses, learn who you are, what makes you happy, why you come back to this little ‘ol blog, and what you would like to see more of on this blog. I am excited to make a few changes around here to reflect what we read in the surveys. This was the first GIVEAWAY on the blog for CHAR Photography and I had no idea what to expect. Over 100 people completed the survey and with the additional people that followed/tagged us on Instagram, we had close to 150 people that entered the survey. Thank-you for your support of what we are doing here. We value each and every response. We appreciate you!

A huge Friday CONGRATULATIONS goes out to the winner of our Team’s TOP PICKS GIVEAWAY….


Emily, you said you read the blog every time I post (thank-you for your support!)….so go ahead and email char@charphotography.com as soon as you see this and we will get your set of goodies on it’s way!

Here at CHAR Photography…we a have several things brewing for 2013. I am excited and ready and peaceful to allow things to happen as they happen.

Grace put together this collage representing 2013. To hear her thoughts on 2013, visit her BLOG.

Have a great weekend all!

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