January 23, 2013


This little stool has been my sidekick for quite some time. Hand in hand, we run across grassy meadows, trot down city streets, meet new people, and chase the light. He has been good to me. Maybe I should name him? Huh.

It is true, I am short. Many of the faces I watch through my lens are looking down at me. And well, shooting UP on somebody is typically not vary flattering. Note I highlighted typically. Like all rules or suggestions…..sometimes they need to be ignored and they just may not apply to your shooting style. But get me approximately 6 inches above my subject’s eye level, and I am good to go. When I am shooting UP on a subject, Instead of accentuating their eyes I am accentuating their chin. ;/ Not so great. Also, when we look slightly up, our eyes instantly open up and become more alive. On a photo, this results in big eyes that look bright and happy. This technique especially applies to close-up portraits…not full length. My trusty little stool is just what I need to give me a few inches. Don’t have a little stool? Find something to stand on. I do it all the time…anything will do. Or have your subject sit down and whallla…you are above them.

Ah yes, it Wednesday. May you have a lovely Wednesday…wherever you are, whatever you are doing. :)

  1. Claudia Good says:

    What a great tip! I love it. I would have never thought of that, thanks!

  2. Andrea says:

    It’s amazing how much a little step stool can enhance your composition and make your job so much easier. Beautiful, beautiful photo.

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