February 13, 2013



Life is so much sweeter, better, bigger, bearable…with girlfriends.

The urban dictionary defines best friends as:

Someone who is always there for you when you need them, someone you can tell anything and everything, someone who buys you strawberry shakes at mcdonalds when you don’t have money, someone you ride mopeds with, someone who you do crazy stuff with that other people wouldn’t understand, someone who can make your day better just by being there, someone you ALWAYS wanna hang out with. Someone you can never get sick of, someone who fits in just like family. Someone who can know what your thinking just by the look on your face. Someone you have inside jokes with. Someone who is really good at listening. Someone you love, someone that cheers you up when you’re downin, someone you go on roadtrips with. Someone who gives the best and craziest gifts ever. Someone who tells you the things you absolutely need to hear regardless of whether you want to hear it or not. Someone who will forgive you always, even when you’ve screwed up so bad. Mainly someone you can always be yourself with :) And they GET you.


Doesn’t it feel good to ‘GOTTEN’? At the core of who we are? Nothing compares to it….:)


This is Whitney. And Paige too. They are best girlfriends. I love them. This shoot warms my heart…

Paige was one of our SENIOR MODELS last year. Which, by the way, our 2013 senior model team applications are now open!

  1. Lydia Jo says:

    Gorgeous Whitney!

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