March 22, 2013



Can somebody tell me how is it is almost April already??  ALREADY? I am ready for warm sunshine and all…but wow, the speed of time honestly scares me a little. After we wrapped up our WORKSHOP, we have *kinda* been able to slow down a little…which translates into prepping for spring! Anna is working on defining and tweaking our editing workflow, GRACE is heading up all the prep for our SENIOR MODEL PROGRAM (excited:), Andrea is working an a marketing project and helping with our senior models, and Kathleen is helping us ALL organize the details. I have been meeting with my spring 2013 brides (so excited for the weddings I have coming up), connecting with several photographers  (love meeting new souls), and am slowly being able to cross things off my winter to-do list. It feels so good to get things in place for our upcoming year.

We needed another workspace for Anna and more monitors….and a brand spank’n shiny new laptop…new ‘toys’, ahem, work gear.:) See the desk? Found it here in the factory building. It had been used as a drawing table…the top of it had thick paper taped to it and the legs had huge 2×4’s nailed to it. We peeled off the tape and removed the paper,  the sticky tape residue came off with Goo Be Gone, removed the 2×4’s, and added the wheels to the legs for a more industrial feel. It fits perfect in this corner. Grace found this chair and I love that it combines comfy with snazzy…:)

Our packaging area needed and little TLC…DONE.

Window displays under construction! Grace and Karen (Grace’s intern…you will see more of her:), put their heads together and are coming up with something that I know will be fabulous.

My little buddy, Corde, has been keeping me company. As I was shooting these studio details, he totally grabbed this camera and started doing this…I had nothing to do with this little setup. :) Btw, this antique camera is from Ukraine…gift from Anna.

Senior Models! We are in the middle of meeting and planning lots of good things for our senior model team. We just finished mini shoots of each of our models right here in the studio. Grace did hair and makeup for this shoot and we used our chalkboard….more to come on that soon.

And the senior model Meet and Greet is coming up next week! Studio decor, slideshow, fun treats, a little game, coffee and izzes…in the works. Janae was designing something fun with the images from the mini shoots…

We got three huge canvas gallery wraps for the wall…I love them. And a little bit of creativity never hurts…even for such things, right? :)

New chair. And cool shoes. All in the day’s work.:)

It is Friday….:) Happy spring and happy weekend!!

  1. Courtney Reese says:

    so much loveliness :)

  2. Michele says:

    Your studio looks awesome~! I can only imagine how thrilled your senior models are to have you be a part of their senior year. What fun they will have and this experience will be something they will talk about for years to come!

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