March 29, 2013


In 2013, one of our goals at CHAR Photography is simply to get to know others. We want to meet you…in a TANGIBLE way. Not just through the computer screen. :) We want to shake your hand, see your pretty face, hear from you, reach out to you, serve you, give you beauty and inspiration….in a small way, add a touch of LIFE to your life.

Our mission statement is simple: Guided by our passion to create beauty; we will enable others by esteeming, affirming, and validating. With attention to detail, commitment, honesty, integrity, and warmth; we will serve others and honor our God.

Yep, we are a photography studio. But our mission statement is the WHY behind what we do. We believe that the language of affirmation and validation is a POWERFUL language. It’s the ART of giving a person permission to be WHO they are. This is the heartbeat of our senior model program. Our senior models are highlight of our year here at CHAR photography. We put a lot of time, thought, planning, and preparation into this program.  Our goal is to make this a top notch experience for each of our models from start to finish.

See all this prettiness? ALL GRACE. She has a way of creating and building and styling that continually amazes me. The cloths, shoes, and props were a representation of her vision for the Team Senior Model Shoot.

Her husband, Jeremy, built that awesome clothes rack.

Here is a vision board she created. Complete with pretty striped tape.

Grace and Karen dreamed up these window displayed. Loved the fun party vibe these created!

Fancy cake pops from Lititz Family Cupboard Bakery, sweet and salty popcorn, and little wraps were the munchables.

Justine! Our 2013 intern. You will love her. I already do. :)

Games and fun!

LAST NIGHT…..was such a fun night. Nights like this make me feel so incredibly blessed to have the team (Andrea, Anna, Grace, Kathleen, Karen, and Justine) by my side. These ladies! To each of our senior models…you guys ROCK. :) This is ONLY the beginning…we have a lot of goodness planned for our fine model team this year.

HAPPY EASTER! I am off to paint Easter eggs with the boys. Looking forward to the weekend. XO

  1. Michele says:

    What an amazing experience you offer your senior models! It makes me want to be a senior living near you. I LOVE your mission statement and how you want to make people feel great about who they are here and now! God will bless you and your business as you involve him daily!

  2. Crystal says:

    LOVE IT! Awesome styling… great vibe… looks like an all around great time :)

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