May 2, 2013


Yesterday we shot footage for a promo! What a fun and BIG day that was. Shane (I photographed his wedding a few years ago!) from VISIONS 2 VISUALS and his partner, were here ALL day. Can’t wait to see the finished product after ALL the footage from yesterday and the senior model shoot. FYI…come to theĀ AFTER PARTY to see the finished promo! So yesterday, we did a little sprucing up in the studio…got a few plants and added little pops of color. I threw this quote up on the chalkboard.




I have been thinking a lot about life lately. The moving, ever evolving, ever changing, nature of life. Pondering….I have come to the conclusion that living my art…starts with a simple choice. A perspective shift. Choosing to embrace the ever changing ever evolving seasons of life. Realize that IS life and it is good. Appreciating the day to day…and not waiting until I ‘arrive’ to feel settled and complete. It starts with being thankful. Choosing to be positive. Appreciating others. Acknowledging how blessed I am. Relishing the sunrise, the tulips in the vase, the way my two year hugs, that I am healthy, my overflowing inbox, the dirty kitchen floor, the weeds that need pulled. It’s all good. Oh the value of choosing to look on the good side of things. Making a CHOICE to be…



A friend.




And a little crazy…for good measure.

Then LIVING MY ART is a natural outflow of who I am. It is effortless. That is beautiful.

Here is to SPRINGTIME…and today. :-)

  1. michele says:

    Thanks so much for this post. I needed to refocus today and you helped me see I need to get a check on things. Sometimes I am just ready to throw it all in but instead I need to focus on my blessings! Thanks for your encouragement!

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