January 15, 2014


Andrea is fantastic. In so many ways. She is a friend and such a valuable member on our TEAM. With a keen eye and the camera as the tool, Andrea creates art, beauty, and real life inspiration. She has a knack for capturing the best head-shots and warm, life filled images. She may have one of the best smiles ever, specializes in making others laugh, and brings a positive spin to everything. She will be the first to admit, she works out so she can appease her serious weakness for lemon drops and chocolate. Ha!:) Born is sunny California, she has made her way to PA, married a doctor, and has two beautiful daughters. Andrea will do anything for her family. We asked her to tell us more about what being a mother looks like to her. So today she is telling us things, outlets if you will, she has learned along the way that make her even a better mother. Along with real life moments of her daughters….:)


Outlets in motherhood…

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned as a mother is that in the midst of taking care of our two daughters, I must, must, MUST take care of myself. I had to let go of the mom guilt and accept that I needed some healthy outlets that were just for me.  These outlets keep me energized yet calm, so I can be the best mother that I can be.

Date Night?! GNO?! I AM IN!

Loneliness is my arch nemesis. My husband and I make it a priority to hang out and go out on dates. I joined a local Hershey moms’ group to meet more friends. I cherish all of my friendships and love that we have about 1,000 ways to stay in contact with friends and family both near and far. That way I can get ample love and support when my daughter escapes from our house and is found at the local food bank down our street after a call to the police.


Peace out, I am working today!

A HUGE part of what makes me me is being creative. Photography is my main creative outlet. I love my job and it gives me an energy boost like no other. I get to work with the coolest team around. It’s so rewarding to hear positive feedback (my kids at home aren’t quite as gracious with their words). As a mommy photographer I am able to see artwork in what may otherwise be considered a stressful motherhood moment and revel in all the happy/funny captured memories.


Dibs on the Stairmaster!

Time to chase my 3 year old around the park for 2 hours?! FINE! Because I just KILLED it on the rolling stairmaster at the gym for the last hour! I have enough energy to chase ALL the kids here around the park. Time to play pretend princesses for two hours? I’m down with that! I am totally centered after finding my breath during my morning Yoga or Pilates workout.


I’m California born and I’m afraid of water!

My worst fear switches between having to sing in front of a crowd and having to swim in front of ANYONE. I finally found enough courage to take swimming lessons! I’m not going to lie….it has been embarrassingly difficult for me to learn how to swim,  but I truly stand 3 inches taller every time I jump in and try to learn.


What the Kimoodo?!

“I am so busy, I don’t have a spare minute to relax!” Nooo!! Try out, “I am so busy, I have to find at least 10 minutes to find quiet and relax.” I do anything and everything….from yoga ,meditation, Kimoodo (a breathing & stretching class taught in Martial Arts), sitting in the sauna, or praying and studying scripture. How else could I find the patience to not yell when I find my daughter has painted MAC make up all over the toilet seat?


If you are a mother, what is one of your ‘outlets’ that make you a better mother and all around person??

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