March 20, 2014


Today I am writing to the photographers out there. The ones of you that are in the business of photography. You have things within your daily schedule such as managing dates, editing numerous photos, tracking numbers, updating social media, scouting locations….and so much more. Thoughts are on your mind…almost ALL the time…such as…am I good enough? Pricing? Can we not talk about? Is my style soft and airy…or deep and little saturated? And editing….what exactly is…or should be my style? I like that…but then again, that is pretty cool too. Oh and gear. To be really, ya know, professional and worth money…I should get this lens and that flash and…oh! So much money. And all the really awesome people go to this conference and that event and this workshop. Maybe I should go to?? Huh. And then there is my website…it should be better. Just not good enough. Maybe I should do a styled shoot? Like that photographer does. Yikes…I need more dollars to invest into all this. So how about a mini day? Yes, others are doing this. Why does everybody else seem to have a gajillion shoots and I don’t? I need to learn more, read this book I heard about….so I am reeeeally good. Hey I booked a shoot! But wait…that was the weekend my family was hanging out. Aaaargh. Why can I not stay on top of my inbox? I really want my business to look like ‘this’….but I have NO IDEA how to make that happen. And yes…once again….am I good enough? IS THIS ALL WORTH IT??

Yep, been there. And it remains a choice to not go there. :-)

The photography industry can be pretty consuming. We enter into it passionate, excited, with huge dreams. Little idealistic, maybe? But suddenly….almost without us even realizing it….it swallows us. We begin thinking, breathing, and digesting all things photography. It takes over our mental space and more of our personal space than we care to admit. And if we are not careful…we end up a little disillusioned. We forget the simple beauty of creating an image that hits us in our soul. We lose sight of what made us fall in love with this powerful skill of taking a picture. Our heart and passion gets lost in the clutter of ‘should be’s’. We are running so fast to ‘stay caught up’….we overlook the gifts, skills, and strengths we have at our fingertips. We are artists. We do indeed feel things deeply. We put our heart and soul into our work. We take deep pride in what we produce. A piece of who we are is given to each and every person that stands in front of our lens. Everything about our business is personal to us. Yes even our pricing and logo is an EXTENSION of who we are. This is good. It is POWERFUL. And it is beautiful.


It is also deadly, if we let it be.A


Unfortunately….there is no I, 2, 3 formula that will turn our businesses into gold. BUT, there is principles, knowledge, understanding…that will get us started. On this special day coming up in May, we invite you to stop. Look inward instead of outward. Take a step back. Remove the clutter. Zero in on YOUR passion. Look at your YOURself. Cognitively lay a solid foundation for YOUR business. Step by step. With intention. What you are doing now and where you want to be in a year from now. Let’s build your business to be a reflection of what works for YOU. Our goal is simple….to ENCOURAGE. CHALLENGE. And EQUIP. The day will include topics revolving around building your business solidly on you, the artist. Taking it a step farther….we will talk about HOW to get from here to there. In practical terms.


Building your business TRUE TO YOU and what you want it it to look like…broken down into step by steps….yes!


Few things that makes this day SO EXTRA SPECIAL?!! Our team is partnering with two beautiful people. CAROLINE from Caroline Logan Photography and SVETLANA from Svetlana Photography. These souls? Just gorgeous. They will be bringing their heart and passion to this day and sharing on topics that have made their businesses so beautiful and vibrant. Svetlana’s signature style is simply divine. Her work cannot be missed and is as lovely as she herself is. Working with people from all around the world….she brings with her a wealth of knowledge and wisdom. Caroline has grown her business to be extremely thriving, alive, and successful in just a few short years. She pours her heart into her clients and work….and well, it shows. I respect these two individuals so much and am SO honored to be partnering with them for this day.

ALSO….so excited about this! The big day will end on a festive note with a styled dinner hosted by the CHAR team. This special event will feature delicious food provided by Tomato Pie Cafe’, creative inspiration, and yes, our new friendships. Guided conversation reviewing the day and anticipating what is to come; will be sure to make this shared dinner a moment in time you will hold dear. Oh, oh, oh….we are working on the details…it is going to be fabulous.


Friends…if this connected with you, I invite you….join us. It would be an honor.



(Jeffrey from TONIC SITE designed this beautiful site for us. If you are looking for a fabulous site, they will get the job done for you!)

And yep, we have a SEAT GIVEAWAY! To enter….

1. INSTAGRAM! To enter, grab the photo above, instagram, follow and tag @svetlanaphotography, @carolineloganphoto + @charcompany with #truetoyouworkshop”

2. FACEBOOK! To enter, grab the photo above, share on your wall, and tag CHAR Co, SVETLANA PHOTOGRAPHY, CAROLINE LOGAN PHOTOGRAPHY.

Do both of the above and you will be entered twice. Yep, the potential to win just doubled!

SEATS ARE LIMITED. Reserve your seat TODAY and save $50. 


We cannot wait to hear from you.

XOXO, Char

  1. Michele says:

    This sounds like an amazing day you are planning. I wish I was able to come because I am so much like to beginning of your post! I hope if you do this again I will be able to make it! Enjoy and have a special time!

  2. Kendra says:

    This day sounds like it will be bursting with so much knowledge and beauty! I recently rediscovered your work and am in love with it! There is so much wonderfulness – from your photographic work to your new website – just gorgeous! (Quick question: when will the winner of the free seat be announced?)

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