February 26, 2015


There are many skills and techniques to learn about building a business. I jumped into a photography business not because I wanted to build a business but because I was deeply passionate about creating pretty photos. The business aspect of  photography came along as a default of shooting photos for other people. To be honest, I was scared of the business aspect of my art. It felt over my head and very intimidating. But I learned, business skills are essential for our art to survive if we are taking money for our services and plan to continue that way.

Over the years I learned bit by bit what it means to build a business. I learned the importance of defining my target market. Creating a strong brand. Defining my mission statement and why I do what I do. Understanding my strengths and enabling myself to run business with that in mind. Being intentional about culture and guiding principals. Building a plan of action and timeline skills. And yes, even the skill of trusting my gut. I learned these things by reading and reading and reading. By attending a workshops and listening to many podcasts. I hired a personal business coach, which has been one of the best investments I ever made. I am still learning and in no way have it figured out. But I have come a long way from way back when I decided I want to learn how to shoot a pretty image.

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Perhaps one of the most important business skills I learned is how to create a vision. I have always been goal focused and visionary. It was not until I read the book, Building a Great Business by Ari Weinzweig, that the importance of doing it and how to do it well made sense to me. He takes the concept of casting a vision from simply dreaming to an actual tangible process. Today this is something I do with most projects and goals. It is one of the most enabling business skills I have learned and I believe strongly in it.

A vision is not a mission statement or a strategic plan. A vision is an actual destination. It is a description of what success looks and feels like and it will serve as a ‘north start’ guiding us towards our end goal. When writing a vision, it does something really powerful. It allows us to first focus on the end result before we allow ourselves to focus on the problems. To often we start seeing the things that may go wrong. This results in discouragement and we emotionally shut down and lose our passion. By writing a vision first, we define the end result and work back from there forming the strategic plan.  A good vision must be inspiring, strategically sound, documented, and communicated.

Why do we create a vision?
–        Shifts our perspective to the positive instead of the negative
–        Allows us to create reality instead of reacting to problems
–        It is a statement of optimism for the future
–        Forces us to act on and model that there is not ‘safe plan’ – Life and business is taking risks and progressing.
–        Serves as a guiding star
–        Communicates to everyone involved what is in it for them

What are the key ingredients that go into writing a successful vision?
–        Belief in the process of writing a vision
–        Trust your gut
–        Some time to actually do it
–        Willingness to be vulnerable
–        Readiness to do something great
–        You really have to want to…both write the vision and do the vision
–        Willingness to stick with the process and start living out the vision

How do we do write a vision?
–        Pick your topic
–        Pick your time frame
–        Write out the first draft : (Go for something GREAT. Write from the heart. Get in the future. Go quickly…don’t over think it. Get personal)
–        Review and redraft
–        Get input respected individuals
–        Share the vision!

Author Rosabeth Moss Kanter has written what she call the ”Kanter’s Law” which says that “everything can look like a failure in the middle.” Having a written vision helps overcome that mid-course feeling of discouragement and fear of failing. With a defined vision, it is a lot more likely that we will stay on course and continue taking steps towards our success.

I love this statement by Stas’ Kazmierski, manager at ZingTrain…”When you actually write down your vision, the powers of the universe will conspire to make it happen.” Visions may change bit along the way…but there is something about writing a vision and sharing it that takes our elusive dreams to being an actual destination.

Much of what I shared today I learned from Ari Weinzweig incredible book. He makes business philosophy and skills so doable, tangible, and down to earth with a focus on relationships. His book is FANTASTIC. If you own a business, manage a family, or simply love to learn life skills….I highly recommend this read.

Are you a business owner or soon to be one that is ready and to build and grow your business? Email Kathleen at info@char-co.com for more details our Business Strategy coaching.

Do you write and form visions? I would love to hear about why or why not!



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