June 7, 2016


As small business owners and entrepreneurs, what we do is almost always more than a career to us! It is our passion and something we believe deeply in. We are willing to stay up late and get up early to see it come to fruition! Even though we are aware of the risk, we are willing to take it. It’s exhilarating, rewarding, and challenging all at the same time. Through our passion, we hope to impact, influence, and help many people!


But growing a business is not always easy! The marketplace is crowded and it’s a struggle to connect in the increasing commotion. At one time, marketing was simply being in front of people and earning attention by selling oneself as bigger and better. Today competitiveness as a means to stand out no longer works. Instead people want something more. They are looking for connection. They want to buy from brands that they genuinely like, believe in, and trust.

While businesses may be aware of this, our actions still tend to default to the old way of marketing. A common marketing mistake is viewing our business through our perspective instead of our customer’s perspective.

Why do we do this?

  1. Our business is our passion so we become so focused on living out our passion and what feels right to us. Passion is essential and almost always key to success. But passion alone will not make the bottom line work.
  2. We get so busy and consumed with the details of business. Maintaining email, orders, and social media takes ALL our time so we end up having no spare time to think outside the must-get-to list. Running too long this way is a sure way to end up frustrated with a business that is not performing the way we want.
  3. It worked yesterday so we assume it will always work. Times change. Today faster than ever. Blockbuster went out of business due to the changing trends. So did many bookstores. We must stay aware of the changing trends in the world around us. Better yet, be so in-tune we can sense the changing trends before they actually arrive.
  4. We assume that our customers have the same world view as us. While we want to attract customers that value and appreciate the qualities our company holds true to, our customers are not us. It’s easy to assume that our target client is just like us, wanting and desiring the same things. Assuming this will significantly limit our business. We are the business owners and they are the customer. That alone is a difference. Their preference and way of doing life may differ than ours. Is our product meeting our customer’s need the best way possible, even if it is different than what we would choose? Business growth will come when we allow our perspective to go beyond what we want.
  5. We forget that those ‘little’ things have a big impact. Is our email response time prompt, communicating we care? Do we listen and show empathy when a customer has a special request? Is our website updated and current, showing attention to detail? Those ‘little’ things form how our customers respect and trust us.

If we are ‘marketing’ but overlooking these impactful areas, our efforts are working against each other. We market so we can earn more customers. Earning new customers is done in ways that may not be thought of as ‘marketing’.

The best part? The solution is simple!

Put yourself in your customer’s shoes. Shift your focus to your customers! SEE them, really see them.

Imagine you were experiencing your brand for the first time. Reading your website, searching your social media, asking another customer about you, and sending an email inquiry. Where would you get raving reviews and where would your brand be lacking? All these touch points shape your customer’s perspective about your brand and ultimately will cause them to buy from you or keep looking. Study and observe your customer and their actions. Make them your muse! Do all within your power to serve them well, understand their feelings, meet their needs, and genuinely love them! Make their eye light up when they experience your brand!

A Brand Story is a universal marketing tool and it’s available to all of us. It is communication, across multiple platforms and touch points, online and offline. Our story, when done well, is our all encompassing presence in the marketplace; creating something people care about, setting our brand apart, and growing our business.

Ready to get started? Take our free “Five Ways to Tell Your Brand Story” free mini course or take a few minutes to learn more about the what makes a good brand story.

Business owners; we understand, business is hard work. Use wisdom, ask for help, keep learning, and continue to follow your passion!


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