May 18, 2018


If you google “How to achieve a work-life balance”, I imagine you could spend the next 100 days reading about tips and ideas. So, I’m sure that what is listed here is probably found on a list you’ve read before….however…sometimes it takes repetition or simply being in the right time of life for certain tips and ideas to really resonate with you and become a part of your daily life.

Here are a few tips that I’ve learned along the way:

  1. Recognize and communicate unusually busy seasons – and then CELEBRATE when that season ends.
    My best friend’s mom is a CPA. During tax season, my friend, her dad and brother would divide household chores, eat more soup or crock-pot meals – and truly work as a team until their daily routine (and amazing mom) returned to normal in April. At the end of April, they always celebrated with a weekend away to reconnect as a family unit. As you are anticipating those busy seasons, plan ahead to make sure that your connections stay strong with your community.
  2. Be creative with your time.
    Use your lunch hour to schedule a date with a friend or a spontaneous date with your spouse. Or take a walk and enjoy the quiet escape from the office. A simple walk or coffee break away from your desk can help to clear your mind, bring inspiration and provide a space to feel re-energized.
  3. If a friend or family member randomly comes to your mind – stop and send a short text.
    My husband works in a clinical setting and hits the ground running as soon as he steps into the office. Yet he still takes a quick minute to text me each morning with “Have a great day!” (note: we did not always do this, so I am proof of how much little notes can make a big difference). Don’t let the busyness of your work keep you from pursuing your loved ones.
  4. Bring some fun to work.
    Mixing in a little fun in your studio or office will cultivate team unity and provide an escape from the normal grind. At CHAR co, we love birthday celebrations, homemade baked goods (thanks CRYSTAL!) and sweet treats – all around that 2 p.m. time slot where we need a little energy kick to take us through the rest of the day.
  5. Make the most of your drive home.
    Whether your drive is 10 minutes or an hour, you can use that time to unwind from the busyness. Listen to a podcast, play some soft music, or just let your brain sit and process through your day. Allowing that time for yourself to calm down and refresh a little bit will truly help so much with your attitude and enjoyment of the rest of your evening. And keeping a snack in my car for the drive home honestly changes SO much!

We would love to hear any tips you have for creating a fulfilling and incredible life. It will always be a process that we continue to navigate and walk through, but thankfully we’re all in this adventure together!

words by heather – coo

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