August 9, 2016


I am excited to continue our series on Building a Team. One of the biggest thoughts we hear expressed by other small business owners is the desire to work with others and create a team. Teamwork is something we are passionate about and believe in. It’s a joy to write about it and hope this helps anybody that is considering building a team.


A team that is aligned, getting things done, working with camaraderie, with a vision in tact, and solid momentum; is beautiful. Forming this takes intentionality and hard work. It takes time, conversations, and listening. It takes dedication and commitment by all involved, but there is one person that shoulders the responsibility. That’s the leader. A team will function on the level the leader does. A team takes on the culture the leader lives out. A team will not go farther than the leader is able to see.

At first this responsibility scared me and felt overwhelming big. It is no doubt a journey and one that I still continue on. But I have learned a few key things over the years. At times I lack in these areas and then once again I am reminded of the impact these areas have on me and the team. Here are three key things that are essential to my ability to lead in a way that feels full, whole and well.

Clear Vision
Ooooh vision. So incredibly essential to a life well lived. Others add to it and help shape it, but if I lose the sight of the core vision the entire team feels it. We end up losing momentum and a subtle discouragement settles in. Even if things are going ‘okay’ from a business perspective, the lack of a clear vision results in loss of passion and determination. A clear vision inspires action, brings the big picture into sight, and connects the day-to-day tasks to where we are going.

See People, truly. 
Lead with your heart and truly see people. Business is never just business. It is people. It is relationships. Each of us long to matter, to be loved, and to be believed in. Title and position does not get us very far and they feel empty alone. Leading with the heart and leaning into relationships is the foundation for teams that thrive.

Those Feelings
Emotions and feelings are sensed and responded to. They will shape the team culture and the effectiveness of a team. This is true for everybody but again, the team leader carries the weight. The team takes its cues from the leader. Even if not verbalized, our feelings filter down to those around us. Whether it is positivity and hope or insecurity and fear; it’s felt by all and will really shape the environment. If there is ever a time for being intentional about emotional health, it’s when working with others. What we FEEL influences the environment and those around us.

Working with a team, leading a team; is intense serving. We consider ourselves less and others more. Nurturing and coming alongside others becomes priority. Team work is challenging but so fulfilling. It’s hard work but beautiful in a very real way. A team comes with a new set of responsibilities. A team will only be as good as the team leader allows it to be. Teams can be formed in many ways and look different for different businesses. But one thing is always true, teamwork is always worth the investment.









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