February 14, 2017


At the end of the year we always take a step back and reevaluate. We analyze what is and what could be. It’s a time the vision for where we are going is honed in on. I feel the fear of the unknown and feel the excitement of what could be. It’s one of the ways I stay grounded and rooted, even when the world is so much out of our control. I always come through this time period with a sense of mission along with a vision. Rarely do I understand all the steps that will be required to make the vision come to life – but I have faith it’s the way to go and am excited to see the results!

Over the past few months, we have been assessing our Story process and the WHY behind our version to the brand story process. We have become even more passionate about the POWER of well-crafted brand stories. In fact, everyday we are all influenced and act because of brand stories we come in contact with.

Do you ever feel like you are just kind of ‘winging it’? Hoping you are using the right words, choosing the right marketing strategy, hoping customers will find you, and praying the bottom line works out? That’s where a brand story is the hero! It is a road map – a strategic plan – for communicating and connecting with your target clients bringing in the profit needed to sustain a successful business model.

Here are five reasons every business should start with their brand story:

  1. A brand story the new way of marketing! The old way of marketing no longer works. Brand storytelling is marketing in a way that your target market will actually welcome and respond to.
  2. A brand story is communication. The right language communicates clearly how you are exactly what your target market has been wishing for. Crystal clear messaging is so important for a person to choose your brand over your competitor.
  3. A brand story is a plan for the visuals. More than ever, visual communication and marketing are so essential for a business to run strong. Your customers will form an opinion of your brand in three seconds based on your visuals!
  4. A brand story is understanding people. When somebody becomes distills business to – pull this lever and follow that marketing tactic – we lose the human element of business. A powerful brand story understands the foundation to success is understanding people, specifically your target client. When this key part of is glossed over (it often is!), disconnect forms between brand and target market. We start with researching and studying your target market and then assessing how you fit into that.
  5. A brand story is a plan for all the moving pieces of a brand. Most brands have at least five different ways people experience their brand. It’s all these touchpoints that shape people’s PERCEPTION of you. It’s their perception of your brand that ultimately causes someone to choose you over another brand. It’s important that all the ways people experience your brand are all telling the same brand story.


Brand stories, friends – they impact our actions everyday! Kind of like how we will pay three times the amount and wait in line for a Starbucks coffee when we could go through McDonalds drive thru and essentially get the same product – coffee. One feels so different than the other, right? That’s a brand story is action.

A well-done brand story is powerful! Want to know more about how a brand story will help your business? We never mind just curious emails. We would love to hear from you!







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