October 26, 2017


Ever feel like you are just lacking inspiration? Like your mind just doesn’t have any more good ideas? It happens to all of us! Just yesterday, I was feeling stuck in a rut, so i took a different route home. I ended up stopping by a beautiful lake and snapping a few photos of the gorgeous fall foliage. I drove away feeling full and refreshed.

All of us, especially in creative jobs, need to take steps to stay inspired and get back to that magic that made us start in the first place. I want to share just a few tips for when inspiration is lacking ::

  • Go for a walk. Get outside! Nature, fresh air, and all that beauty awaits! For real, though, getting outside with no specific goal or agenda makes it possible to gain new ideas and get a boost of creativity.
  • Visit a new place. A little adventure does great things for the mind and soul. Check out a new place around where you live or take a trip! There are so many amazing things out there to find.
  • Go out of your comfort zone. Inspiration can come from the most unsuspected places. Listen to a different genre of music that you wouldn’t usually listen to, check out a new art exhibit, or go for coffee with someone who you don’t know very well. We learn so much stepping out of the comfortable and into something new.
  • Do things that previously inspired you. Go back to the place where your creativity flourished. There was a reason why it inspired you in the first place. Look for it there again.
  • Be patient with yourself. There are times that we just hit a creative block. Frustration and stress will not help you get out of that funk. Give yourself a little grace and time to get that inspiration again.

When you are able to keep being inspired, your brand thrives. That passion is the driving force behind what you do with your brand! Don’t let the work grind cause you to lose that spark that got you started in the first place.

Lacking inspiration is discouraging. It happens to everyone, but it doesn’t have to last forever. Sometimes we just need to get up and do something! Now get out there and get inspired!

words by amy – studio intern

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