October 19, 2018


Over the past couple years our team has been diving into the ins and outs of what makes a really great brand. We have researched other companies, studied experts in the field, and had our own first hand experiences. After all of this – the one conclusion we can all agree on is:

Your brand is so much more than a look and feel, it is bigger than a fancy new website and logo, and it is deeper than the tones of your moodboard.

Does a really good brand have all the bells and whistles – the pretty logo, the nicely designed space, the updated instagram? Yes. Yes. And Yes. BUT these should only be an indicator that we care about our brand and our customer, and it is not how we should judge our own validity.

Branding done right actually starts at the core of the business and works its way out. So, before anything can flourish externally – our brand has to flourish internally. As business owners we are on a mission to make other people’s lives better – and not just the direct consumer of our product or service. We are looking to influence the world around us – among our employees, within the community, and beyond.

Logos, websites, and pretty packaging should be the reflection and communication of what is happening at the heart of the business – that truly is the type of branding that our customers will accept and love.

words by hailey – brand strategist

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