February 22, 2019


What is a practical tip for cultivating or being intentional in developing vision?
Vision requires intentionality and some TLC. We must direct energy towards it. It’s there and wants to come to life. But we need to pause long enough and allow it to come into focus. Get out of “must get stuff done” mode and set time aside with no distractions. Don’t limit the vision to what is now. Think beyond! Most importantly, ask yourself “What makes me feel alive and filled with eagerness to jump in?” That’s it, that’s where the gold is!

What have you found to be helpful in communicating vision to the CHAR co team?
Vision defining is owned by the team. The vision is much more robust and vibrant when the team is part of creating it. When there is weigh-in, there is buy-in. Vision execution should never be just another to-do task for the team. When the vision is owned by, believed in, and deeply cared for by the team…..then we have something powerful. Nothing will stop a determined and passionate team to bring their vision to life! 

How does vision play out in the different parts of your business?
Vision is the fuel behind it all. Without vision, it’s just a day-to-day routine. Vision keeps us leaning in and moving forward with determination. When the vision is clear, all the moving parts of the business should work towards bringing the vision to life. All decisions and plans should answer to….”Will this propel us towards our vision?” If yes, move forward. If not, then pause and reevaluate. 

Our vision is waiting to become reality if we choose to ‘honor’ it. It’s a challenging but oh so exciting and beautiful opportunity! 

words by char – founder & ceo

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