March 15, 2019


We connect with stories, we engage with them, and if we really like them, we tell them to our family and friends. Telling our brand story can take many forms and is a process that continues to evolve as our businesses do.

A while ago Char co. started out as a photography business and creating visuals was the main thing that we did. As time progressed, the business evolved into a brand building studio, where visuals still play a huge role in how we tell our own story and how we help others tell theirs. The visuals we are talking about are not just limited to photos, but every designed brand experience a business has – this includes packaging, social media, video, website design, promotional material, signage, space design, and so much more.

Brand visuals are the part of branding  that everyone loves to talk about and everyone wants to develop because they are the tangible part of a brand that engage our emotions and senses.  However it’s not just good visuals and pretty design that will win over our clients and customers and turn them into our biggest fan. It is the intangible story we are living and breathing everyday that will connect people to our business. This intangible story is made up of our passion, our values, the culture we are creating, the true heartbeat of our business. When we can express this intangible story in a tangible way is when the magic happens.

The key to great brand visuals people will love is creating visuals that tell our story – not the story that we think people want to hear, or the story we saw someone else telling, or the story that seems trendy, or even the story that sells. We want to tell our story. We want to communicate our passion and our values, our love for our audience. We want people to connect with who we really are and what we are actually like.

The first step on the journey to telling your story visually is getting clear on the story your business is living, the story you want it to continue living and then figuring out how to communicate that through visual design. It is all about capturing the essence of your business and expressing who you are in a tangible and visible way.  It takes time and effort, but it is so worth it in the end. And if you ever need help processing through that story and bringing clarity to who you are, that just so happens to be the very thing we would love to help you do :)

words by hailey – brand strategist

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