March 28, 2014


Several years ago a dear friend and business adviser asked me to start documenting pinnacles of my journey. Things that changed the course of who I am as a business woman. Things that struck a cord deep in my soul and forever changed me. Things that I never want to forget.

Number one on the list states… the business is not about ME but solely for God and his glory.  Number two? That’s what I am talking about today. Number two sounds simple. FYI…it is not so simple.

It is this….


To break this down even farther…to get to the heart of this statement, what it really means is….


Pure and simple.

I am telling ya, how I have agonized with this over the years. This simple statement sure has a LOT wrapped up with it. AND it sure can be elusive to grab hold of and own. The power of believing this and walking in this is magnificent.We are so afraid to step into it and own it like a boss. Believing what we do is really GOOD. As long as this belief is not at the core of who we are as a professional and a creative, we continue to waffle. Not believing this causes us to run like CRAZY people, being busy but not so productive….trying so hard to prove to ourselves that we are good enough.

Recently I met with one of my beautiful mentor clients. I first met her a year ago. Back then there was hesitations, frustrations, and no clarity with her business. I saw myself in her. But today? She spoke with ease and a quiet confidence. Her eyes were clear and focused. She had worked HARD and she was making things happen. There was no holding back any more. She knew who she was and what she was doing. The change in her was monumental. I believe it came with a simple perspective shift.

Perception is reality. As a man thinks….SO HE IS. The mind, our heart…it holds our future in its hands.

I AM A PROFESSIONAL. I am enough. I can do this well. The momentum and freedom that lies in owning these statements is….incredible.


At our May TRUE TO YOU Workshop we will be discussing the exponential value of bringing all you are to the business and structuring your business around who YOU are as an individual. In other words…together, remove the fear of ‘Am I enough?’ and HIT IT. :)

  1. Michele says:

    Oh my goodness, thank you again and again,. The past few weeks I have been hard on myself feeling not good enough and just tired~! Today reading your post took me over the top and let the tears of frustration come. I, at times, find it hard to believe in myself and if I don’t believe then how will others believe. This past week I went in to my tiny studio, knelt down in the middle, and asked God to be CEO of my business and to allow me to believe in how he created me and the gifts he blessed me with! Now I will add that He will help me to depend on him more and more and to help me truly believe I am enough! Thank you….

  2. Angie says:

    Thank you so much for this! I have struggled and struggled with this, but I feel this year God has called me to really start embracing who He made me, in my marriage, as a mother, in my business, as a friend, daughter. sister, etc. I really want to embrace the the truth of who God says I am! I will probably be back to reread this blog post. :) And for the record… I think you are amazing!

  3. Michael Good says:

    Another great post, Char! :)

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