May 9, 2014


Kate! Aaaah. Kate. You know how some people are a ray of sunshine? When I see her name coming up in my week….my heart warms and I smile. And it is not just because she brings my music Cds, cards filled with love, tea, homemade cookies…it is because her heart is huge and so genuine. She has defined her dreams into a step by step doable plan and worked so hard. Taking steps into the unknown always feel a little scary and kinda like ginormous risk….that we wonder if we are a little crazy.  I get the heart work things like this take. SO much heart work. Kate’s gentle and strong spirit will take her far. Kate….you have inspired me. I am so thankful for your friendship. And by the way, the CD you gave me? It has been playing in my car for weeks now.

Meet Kate friends…she is going to tell us a little about herself and her time working with us.


What inspires you?
Success stories, God’s glory, the beauty of creation, the sunrise, a good conversation, a powerful sermon, soft light and the chance something great could happen.

How long have you been a photographer & what is it you love about photography?
I’ve been shooting for almost 4 years now. I always loved taking photos, but didn’t understand until I began my professional photography journey how fulfilling this creative work was for me. I love that with photography you can produce a moment and then hold it in your hands. Photos give you constant reminders of your love for your family, your friends and even yourself – that is life giving, affirming and so comforting.

How has the CHAR team helped you reach your goals?
Accountability. Char is a wonderful mentor. She helps you set goals and gives you practical advice and encouragement as you strive to meet them. Inspiration. Each individual of the Char Co. team has given me motivation to work hard and express my creativity. I feel empowered and motivated after each session. However, if I’m discouraged or scared, I’ve also found such kindness in this mentor-ship. I knew I was not alone.

What has been one of the most valuable things you have learned?
The importance of selflessness is your business. It is easy to get carried away with meeting dreams and aspirations, even financial goals. However, when your number one priority is providing good service and a wonderful experience for your clients I think you succeed in exponential ways. What you reap you will sow.

How have you changed since you began the business consulting?
I feel my confidence building. I am definitely more brave. This is a journey and at this point in the trip I feel I am finally really going somewhere. “Am I good enough?” has been the broken record playing that I’m totally ready to break in half. I want the beautiful music of “Just be yourself” to sing loudly over every other noise. I finally have my own attention.

What are a few things you have learned that you will apply in the future?
1. Timelines, goals and to do lists are HUGE! Give yourself motivation and a reward. Don’t forget to celebrate the victories – no matter how small!!!
2. Continually seek style, inspiration and beauty. Find what you like and let your own personality come out in your work.
3. Never stop evaluation where you are at – use each opportunity to see where you’ve come from and get excited about where you’re going!

What was the best part of your experience with the CHAR team?
The friendship. Seriously, the relationship – the fact that there is someone rooting for and cheering me on has been so empowering. I needed the push, the accountability and the encouragement. The technical and business education I’ve received has been invaluable. But Char is now a soul sister – she seeks beauty and excellence in all she does and that is what I aspire to, as well.

Would you recommend the consulting to other business owners?
100%. This experience has truly impacted my life and my business. It was educational, spiritual, creative, challenging, and so fun! It is always a blessing to have friends that have gone ahead of you. They can give you the boost you need to keep going or the jump start you need to begin. The CHAR team will inspire you, challenge you and encourage you as you build your business. Do it, you will not regret it. I certainly do not.

Kate..thank-you. You are fantastic. Xo

Walking alongside other creative entrepreneurs is something we absolutely are passionate about. For more details on our Consulting Collective, head on over the website and find more info here. Email with any questions. Happy weekend friends!

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