June 6, 2014



A big thank-you to each and every person that entered the Masters of Their Craft giveaway so generously provide by Tomato Pie Cafe! How we loved reading everybody’s dream businesses or current businesses! So much fun hearing all your entrepreneurial adventures. I was inspired. Encouraged. And honored you shared. Without farther ado….:)….here are the randomly selected winners of “Tomato Pie Experience for Two”

 PAT S. – Tomato Pie Cafe, Harrisburg PA

MARIA – Tomato Pie Cafe, Lititz PA

Congrats Pat and Maris, we will be in touch! Thanks again to Tomato Pie for providing these giveaways!


Today we are kicking off Friday Tips. As a team, we are going to do our best to bring a bit of info your way that you will find helpful and useful. We will share on topics based on who we are and things we are passionate about. Some will be sweet and simple (like mine today) or more involved…such as Karen’s coming up on how to budget for clothing. Some will be personal growth related such as Kathleen’s coming later this month on organization. Others will explain the thought process behind selecting signature pieces for your wardrobe…yep, that will be Grace. Anna plans to share some of her editing magic with you all.  Topics will cover but not be limited to bits and pieces about motherhood, style tips, good cafes, husbands, and the best makeup…..and I am sure there will be heart issues thrown in there too….such as finding joy in the little things and not letting the comparison monster swallow you. So yes…lots of topics….all centered and resting on who we are woman.

Today I am on. The team suggested I talk about what I wear to a wedding and my philosophy on it. I was like….but it is nothing special…my outfits are kinda boring (I have yet to master wearing a dress while shooting). And they were like….do it anyway. So here I am…telling you what I wear when shooting a wedding and my philosophy behind it.

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First of all….I believe what I as the photographer wears on a wedding day is important. We as humans are super visual. Yes, we know that we cannot judge a person by the exterior. Yady..yay….we do. It is how we are wired. At least to a certain degree. I know the guests and family members of the bride and groom are forming an opinion of me by what they see. What I communicate visually is a reflection of the bride and groom and their wedding day…they choose me to be there and I want to honor that to the fullest. Also trust. If I communicate professionalism by looking nice alongside a warm smile….trust is instantly beginning to form between me, the family members, and the bridal party. That is good and in my favor as the photographer, for sure. So that is why I believe what I wear on a wedding day is important and not just fluff…if you know what I mean.

Every year I get a ‘wedding outfit’. I invest in good pieces and I will admit, I wear my wedding outfit over and over. I do this because it is simple. I make sure I like the outfit, feel good in it, and it is comfortable. My goal is simple: nice, professional, comfortable, and easy to move in. Because I do not want to stand out, I I choose an outfit that would be appropriate for a guest to wear and is understated. Flats are great….easy and comfy. A watch is a must as I run by my watch on a wedding day. My clipboard holds the photography timeline…we jot notes and cross things off as we go through the day.

Skinny Jeans, Madewell. Slouch tee, Madewell. Linen blazer, Asos. Flats, Madewell (similar).

I am curious, what do you wear on days that require you to look professional and nice?

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