July 2, 2014



Our interns. These ladies. We love them. Today I am introducing Jordan. She brings us blueberries, a huge smile, and a ‘I am ready to learn and get the job done’ attitude. Jordan is Kathleen’s intern and alongside editing, Jordan has been ordering prints, designing, running errands, and oh so many other numerous tasks. We are all a little jealous of her because she is going to FRANCE for three weeks this summer! I appreciate this lady and her perspective on life so much and consider myself quite fortunate to have her in the studio working by our sides this year. She is a gem.


Jordan is going to tell us a little about herself….

I never had one of those ah-hah moments when choosing photography as my hopeful career, but rather it crept into my life and just never left.

I was always the girl with the camera. From junior high until now, I have been very involved in youth group and never failed to be the one ready with a camera, even if at one time it was only a little digital camera. My friends always counted on me to have my camera on me, so I always brought it with me, and eventually realized it really sparked my interest. It wasn’t until my junior year of high school that I got my first DSLR camera for my birthday.

Over the years I have slowly begun to build my business, shooting seniors, families and soon expanding into kids & babies. I’ve enjoyed the slow process of building my business and I am very excited to continue moving forward into expanding my business. I would love to someday to be at the point with photography that I am fully supporting myself doing what I love. I would also love to be able to focus on babies and little kids with my photography, capturing true-to-life images of families.

I am an avid Pinterester. I love it. It inspires me and gets me ready to go out an create something of my own. I also love traveling. I love getting away from home and enjoying the new scenery each place has to offer. And I am going to France for three weeks this summer! I adore rings, and you will rarely see me without at least four rings on. I am always in search of the perfect rings, and even though I consider the four that I wear every day to be perfect, that never stops my searching!

I started following CHAR co about the same time I switched to Canon. Char took a friend of a friend’s senior pictures, and then I coincidentally went to the same camera store that Char goes to and the store had her work displayed. When I got home, I followed her on Facebook and have been a fan ever since. Her work caught my attention because of her unique editing style. Whenever I would see an image of hers, I knew immediately that it was her work. The images seem to have a glow about them. I could see the love and attention given to each client through her work and I loved that.

Last year, I saw the internships posted on the CHAR co blog, but realized there was no way I would be able to make time in my current schedule. At the time, I did not realize the internships are available every year, so I was very excited and surprised when I saw they were available again this year. This time, however, when looking over my schedule, I knew there was a chance I could do it! And here I am, enjoying every second of it! I’m incredibly blessed for this opportunity with all these wonderful and creative women.

I like to be a sponge and soak up anything anyone has to teach me, and that’s how I came to this internship – willing to learn whatever I have the opportunity to be taught! I love the atmosphere of CHAR co; it’s constantly bubbling with creativity from all the different minds working together. Throughout my time here, I would love to grow my eye for all things style-related. I would also love to become better at editing techniques. These are all areas in which I am already learning so much!
I am really excited for all the next 6 months have to hold!

For more information on internship opportunities, just email info@char-co.com and we will tell you all about this beautiful aspect of our company.


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